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Text File | 1978-01-28 | 123.9 KB | 3,263 lines |
- HOW TO HACK on the ZX Spectrum
- A complete guide to creating POKEs on the Spectrum, featuring
- full examples. Devised and written by Richard P Swann
- NB : This document was originally intended to be printed in
- Your Sinclair magazine. It is split into "pages" of 58 lines.
- WHAT YOU WILL NEED...........................Page 1
- THE BASIC IDEA...............................Page 2
- Getting started with hacking
- Forwards trace and backwards trace
- EASY LOADING SYSTEMS.........................Page 11
- Headerless loaders, turboloads and compression
- DECRYPTERS...................................Page 18
- Single decrypter loading systems
- ADVANCED HACKING METHODS.....................Page 24
- Stack trace and interrupt trace
- Bleepload, Ultimate loader, Mikro Gen Loader,
- Powerload, Search Loader, Paul Owens Protection
- System, Speedlocks
- EPILOGUE.....................................Page 59
- Scrolling credits etc. etc.
- GLOSSARY AND INDEX...........................Page 60
- If you want to use this book successfully, you will need the
- following:
- * An understanding of Spectrum BASIC. If you are total beginner,
- you will almost certainly find this book too complicated, and
- hence useless to you. If you can understand most of the Spectrum
- manual, then you should be all right. If you don't understand a
- word of the section on using +3 DOS in machine code in the +3
- manual, don't worry, 'cause I don't either!
- * A disassembler or a monitor program. You can, in theory, hack
- anything without one of these, but in practice, it would be
- impossible for a beginner, and next to impossible for someone
- experienced. My personal choice is Hisoft's DEVPAC, but if you
- have the programs STK and 007 Disassembler (which were on the
- covertapes of YS no.75 and no.77), that'll do fine for this book.
- * Some games to hack. Obviously business software is out of the
- window because it's illegal to hack it, and you don't need to
- anyway. Strategy and adventure games are pretty unlikely to
- demand a POKE (although it's possible, and I'll show you how I
- hacked an adventure later on), so you're left with arcade and
- arcade adventure games. Most of the time you'll want to find
- infinite lives and/or energy, but there are always exceptions.
- This book concentrates on games that you're likely to have, which
- are games which have been on magazine covertapes, or bestsellers.
- * Patience and determination. This is the most important thing of
- all. Finding POKEs is challenging without any knowledge of how
- the program works, or even a knowledge of the language it's
- written in! So be prepared to do some serious THINKING!
- * A Multiface or other "magic box" device. This is not essential,
- but it is extremely useful, and a few sections in this book
- require you to have one (but as few as possible, I might point
- out!)
- PART ONE - The Basic Idea
- Before we get down to some serious hacking, it will be a good
- idea to know what we are looking for. Okay, I know that some of
- you may think that this is pointless, but if you don't know what
- you're aiming at, you'll never get anywhere.
- Basically, we are going to examine a program, and change it so
- that certain instructions are altered so that the game becomes
- more easier to the user. This may be in the form of infinite
- lives, infinite energy, immunity, infinite bullets etc.
- The only way we can hope to do this is to understand what is
- going on in the game. And because most games are written in
- machine code, we're going to have to understand that as well.
- Please don't be put off by the thought of learning a new
- language; in fact you need know very little machine code
- knowledge to hack most games.
- To start with, we'll just look at infinite lives. Lives are
- normally a small number, between 3 and 9 (although some games may
- have more), and the common thing with all games that have lives
- is that somewhere in the game, the amount of lives are set as a
- definite number, and somewhere else, the amount of lives goes
- down by one. In order to get infinite lives, we would have to
- remove the command in the program which decreased a player's
- lives.
- You probably have and idea about how a lives system would work
- in BASIC. Say if, for argument's sake, a BASIC game had three
- lives, you would expect to see something like...
- 100 LET LIVES=3
- ...contained in the program. Then, a bit further on, you'd expect
- to see...
- In order to get infinite lives, we would simply remove line 500
- altogether and RUN the program.
- A similar idea appears in machine code, but the way it's done is
- slightly different.
- For starters, machine code doesn't have any variables! You might
- therefore wonder how on earth the computer can store anything. In
- actual fact, the computer can store information anywhere in RAM,
- as you may well know, and this is exactly what happens in machine
- code.
- In Chapter 24 ("The Memory") of the Spectrum manual, there's a
- detailed description of the Spectrum's memory. The best way to
- visualise the memory, I think, is to imagine 65,536 boxes, each
- one containing a piece of paper with a number from 0 to 255
- written on it.
- Therefore, it is no problem for a computer to store the number
- of lives in machine code, since it can just put it as a byte in a
- memory location, leave it there, and come back to it later.
- You should be aware that in machine code, commands are also
- stored in memory locations as bytes; so if you get commands and
- data mixed up in memory, the computer could easily try and
- execute the data, thinking it's a command, and trying to execute
- it. Unlike BASIC, there are no errors in machine code, and the
- computer can execute anything it finds, so in this case you will
- get a crash. So most programs keep program data and program
- commands separately.
- Anyway, in order to store three lives in machine code, we'd put
- the number 3 in a memory location. Unfortunately, we can't do
- this straight away in machine code, and we can only do it by
- using what are called registers.
- Registers store information in the same way as memory locations.
- They are bit more versatile though, as you can perform
- calculations with them. All the same, they are not the same as
- variables in BASIC, and are more like a pair of hands used for
- counting.
- The main register we'll look at for now is the A register
- (sometimes called the accumulator), which can store a single
- byte and have sums done to it.
- What we would do to store the number three in a memory location
- is to put the number 3 into the A register, then put the contents
- of the A register (which are of course, 3) into a memory
- location.
- The actual way of writing this in machine code is:
- LD A,3
- LD (#8000),A
- Actually, strictly speaking, the above isn't machine code at all!
- Machine code as the computer sees it is, as I explained earlier,
- consists of many bytes in memory, which are pretty meaningless to
- humans. So some people invented assembly language (which is what
- the above is), where each instruction carried out by the computer
- is given a name (called a mnemonic).
- The above program features one command used in two different
- ways. The command is LD, which is pronounced "load". This has
- nothing at all to do with loading a program from tape. It
- basically is a transfer of information from one place to another.
- The comma in the instructions is read as "with", so the whole
- instruction is read as "Load A with 3". It now seems obvious that
- this instruction is putting the number 3 into the A register.
- The second command is also LD, but the way its used is slightly
- different. The brackets mean "the contents of", so the whole
- instruction is read as "load the contents of #8000 with A".
- (Think of a bracket as a byte in memory, where everything in the
- bracket is part of that byte) Therefore, this instruction would
- make the computer take whatever value is in the A register, and
- store it in memory location #8000 (of course, it could be any
- other memory location as long as it is unused).
- So the overall result of the two commands (normally called
- operations) would be to put the number 3 in memory location
- #8000.
- Congratulations! You've just learned the first way to hack.
- Clearly, if in a real program, we found these operations, we
- could change the LD A,3 to something like LD A,100 to get 100
- lives!
- Before we can do any "real" hacking, I'd better discuss how
- "real" machine code is written.
- Every machine code instruction contains and opcode, and some
- instructions need an operand. An opcode is simply the instruction
- the computer is going to do. Every number from 0 to #FF corresponds
- with a specific opcode. You can find a complete list of opcodes
- in Appendix A of your Spectrum manual.
- The operand is used whenever there is ambiguity over something.
- If you look in Appendix A of the Spectrum manual, you will see
- that the opcode #3E is "LD A,n". "n" in this case can mean any
- single byte number ie: a number from 0 to 255. But it's possible
- to put any number within this range eg: LD A,3 or LD A,#40 or LD
- A,#80 etc. The computer has to somehow know what data it is
- dealing with, and this is where the operand comes in. In machine
- code, whenever the computer comes across the opcode #3E, it
- looks at the byte after the opcode, and assumes it's the data
- needed. So, if the computer came across the bytes #3E and #40 in
- succession, it would put the value #40 in the A register. In this
- example, #3E is the opcode, while #40 is the operand. After
- executing the instruction, the computer goes to the byte after
- the operand, and starts running code from there.
- In the second instruction of our example, the opcode is #32, ie:
- "LD (NN),A". The ambiguity is in the address where we are going
- to store the value of the A register. In this case, the operand
- takes up two bytes, hence the "NN", which again comes after the
- opcode. You should note that this is an address in memory, and is
- always referred to as two bytes. So you might expect the machine
- code equivalent of LD (#8000),A to be #32 #80 #00. Except it
- isn't! For some odd reason, in machine code, all two byte
- operands are written the wrong way round, so the actual machine
- code equivalent of LD (#8000),A is #32 #00 #80. There is no hard
- and fast reason why, it's just vitally important that you
- remember this.
- In short, the program of the previous page is written as...
- #3E #03 #32 #00 #80
- ...which takes up five bytes.
- Not all instructions require operands. For example, DEC A (short
- for "decrease A", which subtracts one from the A register) has no
- ambiguity at all. There is only one way to decrease the value in
- the A register, so the instruction only takes up one byte, in
- this case #3D. No operands are needed.
- Right, time for your first bit of hacking! From what we've
- discussed above, we want to find, somewhere in the game's code, a
- set of instructions which put the number of lives into a byte in
- memory. So if the game had three lives, we could expect to see
- the bytes...
- #3E #03 #32
- ...unfortunately, we don't know where in memory the number of
- lives is going to go, so we can't work out the operands for the
- second instruction (#32). But in fact, we don't need to, for if
- we find the above sequence of bytes in a program, we can simply
- examine the two bytes after this sequence to find out where in
- memory the number is being put.
- So let's put this into practice and hack an actual game. For
- convenience I've chosen Sweevo's World, which featured on a YS
- Covertape Issue 60 December 1990. I would have chosen a more
- recent game, but they all have some form of protection on them.
- Besides, obtaining infinite lives is relatively easy.
- Getting the game in memory without it running is easy. If you've
- typed out a fair few POKEs in your time, this will be no problem.
- Just MERGE the BASIC loader and put a STOP statement before the
- RANDOMIZE USR statement. Then RUN the program and wait for it to
- load, until the OK message appears.
- Now we have the game in memory, we can load STK and examine it.
- You have to be a bit careful here, because STK occupies 6K of the
- Spectrum's memory. Although it can be anywhere in memory, it
- possible to overwrite the all-important lives code in the game
- with STK, so we have to be careful. The best places to put STK are
- in the graphics, map or sound data. There's no easy way to tell
- where this is, so you'll have to try pot luck. But it helps if
- you know where the game loads to, so load up STK at any address,
- and press J and then Caps+9 to read in a header a couple of
- times. Then read the headers of the three blocks of code after
- the BASIC. They are:
- Bytes: S 4000,1B00
- Bytes: M FB90,043D
- Bytes: P 60E0,82B0
- The first block is the loading screen. The second block is in
- actual fact the game's music (but you wouldn't be expected to
- know this), and the third block is the actual game itself.
- Therefore, we can put STK anywhere above (60E0+82B0)=E390. For
- argument's sake, let's put it at EA60, which is 60000 decimal.
- When we've finished hacking, we can reload "Bytes: M" and run the
- program. Load up STK (after having stopped the BASIC and returned
- with a STOP statement) at address 60000.
- Now at last, some hacking. Bearing in mind that you start the
- game with five lives. Press Q to search for a byte. Enter the
- address we want to start searching at as 60E0, because that's the
- start of the game. Now type in the following:
- #3E #05 #32
- These are the search bytes we described on the previous page.
- Keep pressing N for "next" until all of the memory has been
- searched. You will get the following addresses: 905C and EEDC.
- You can ignore the one at EEDC, because it's in the middle of STK
- and outside the main game code, so that leaves just the one at
- 905C. Press E for edit and type #905C. You'll see the following
- bytes:
- 3E 05 32 1A 61
- So this tells us that the computer puts the number five in box
- number 611A (remember that 2 byte numbers are reversed!) Now to
- hack the game, we simply change the number 5 at 905D to any
- number of lives we want (the maximum is #FF).
- Now, get out of STK, reload the "Bytes: M" file and RANDOMIZE USR
- 24800 (the original command in the BASIC), and hey presto - you
- will have whatever amount of lives you wanted!
- All that remains to do is to write a proper hack for it. 905D is
- 36957 in decimal, so your hack would be something like "MERGE the
- BASIC loader, and insert POKE 36957,n before the RANDOMIZE USR
- statement, where 'n' is the number of lives."
- And it's as simple as that. If you can understand what we've
- done so far, you're doing well, so stick at it.
- Any unprotected game like Sweevo's World is hacked in the same
- way, except you will probably have to reload STK to a different
- address, and you may find that in your search for #3e <lives>
- #32, you may come across several locations in memory outside STK
- that have this pattern. In this case, you'll have to use trial
- and error to work out which one holds the number of lives.
- It is, of course, perfectly possible for you now to find 'number
- of lives' POKEs for any unprotected game under the sun, and in
- the early days of Spectrums ('82-'84), this would have been
- perfectly adequate. Of course, what your really need is the real
- nitty gritty - INFINITE lives. This is done by taking things just
- a step further.
- What you basically need to do is find out which memory location
- the number of lives are being put in. Then you need to search for
- parts of the program which put the value of that memory location
- in a register, subtract one from it, and put the new value in the
- register back. Then you have to rewrite the code slightly so that
- the computer "forgets" to decrease the value in the register, and
- simply puts the old value back in again.
- Coming back to Sweevo's World, we already know that the number
- of lives are stored at memory location 611A. I normally refer to
- this memory location as the "lives store" for obvious reasons.
- All we have to do is search for all the occurrences of the
- address of the lives store. So, search for #1A,#61, and you will
- find it referred to at the following addresses:
- 779B 8160 81A9 905F EEDC
- You can ignore the one at EEDC because it's in STK, but you can
- also ignore the one at 905F, since that's part of the lives
- setting routine we discussed earlier. So the routine to decrease
- the number of lives must lie at one of the other locations.
- You should note, that any instruction that involves the lives
- store will begin at the byte before, because 1A and 61 are two
- byte operands (see page 3 for more about operands).
- So for starters, press E to edit an address and type in #779A.
- You'll see the following:
- 779A - 3A 1A 61 C3 61 99
- If you look up 3A in Appendix A of your Spectrum manual, you'll
- see it corresponds to the instruction LD A,(NN). This is simply a
- reverse of the LD (NN),A instruction, in that the value of a
- memory location is put into the A register. This is important,
- because subtraction of any sort can only be done in a register,
- and usually in the A register.
- After the computer has executed the three byte instruction 3A 1A
- 61 (which is LD A,(611A in mnemonics), it executes the
- instruction C3. If you look up C3 in Appendix A of your Spectrum
- manual, you'll see it corresponds to the instruction JP. JP is
- short for "jump", and is in a sense like GOTO in BASIC. What the
- computer does is to jump to a location in memory. As you can see,
- there is ambiguity as to where it is going to jump, so we need a
- two byte operand. Like the ones me have met before, the bytes are
- written the wrong way round. So C3 61 99 means JP 9961. In this
- case, the computer would go to address 9961, and start executing
- code from there.
- It is possible that the code to decrease the number of lives is
- at 9961, but is unlikely, because it pointless to have to jump to
- a completely different area of memory. So we'll leave this part
- of memory, and go onto the next instruction, at 8160. Press EDIT
- to leave the editing procedure, and edit address 815F. You'll see
- the following:
- 815F - 21 1A 61 35
- 21 is the instruction LD HL,NN. HL is another register like A,
- but its main difference is that it can store two bytes at once.
- So LD HL,NN requires a two byte operand, whereas LD A,N only
- requires one. So here the instruction 21 1A 61 means LD HL,611A.
- The next instruction, 35 doesn't need any operands, and is the
- instruction we've been looking for. 35 means DEC (HL). You've
- already come across brackets meaning "the contents of", so as you
- might have guessed, DEC (HL) decreases whatever is at the memory
- location with the same number as HL by one. In this case, we know
- that HL is 611A, because we've just set it in the last
- instruction. So DEC (HL) will decrease the value of whatever is
- in memory location 611A by one in this case.
- But we already know that the number of lives is stored at memory
- location 611A. So clearly DEC (HL) is going to decrease the
- number of lives by one!
- What we need to do to make an infinite lives POKE is to somehow
- overwrite the DEC (HL) so that the computer doesn't decrease the
- number of lives. There are two things that can be done. Firstly
- the address containing DEC (HL) can be replaced by 0. The number
- 0 relates to an instruction called NOP. NOP is short for "No
- operand", and in short means absolutely nothing! When the
- computer encounters the instruction NOP, it will do nothing and
- execute the next instruction. So if we overwrite DEC (HL) with
- NOP, the computer won't decrease the number of lives, but do
- nothing instead. The vast majority of POKEs have the format POKE
- address,0 for the reasons described above.
- If you run Sweevo's World changing the DEC (HL) to NOP, you'll
- find you only get one life instead of five! In this case, you
- should overwrite the DEC (HL) with OR (HL). OR (HL) is a single
- byte instruction, B6. Don't worry about what it does, because it
- isn't important. What is important is to remember to do this if
- you only get one life.
- Rerun Sweevo's World, replacing the DEC (HL) with OR (HL), and
- you'll have your infinite lives! The DEC (HL) is at address 8162,
- which is 33122 decimal, while B6 is 182 decimal, so the POKE
- would go something like "MERGE the loader, and put POKE 33122,182
- before the RANDOMIZE USR statement, RUN the program and restart
- the tape."
- Now we've covered the rudiments of machine code involved in
- hacking, we can look at more detailed ways of finding POKEs.
- PART 2 - Conventional Hacking Techniques
- By now, you should have an idea of how simple machine code
- works. Now we're going to look at the usual techniques of
- hacking. There are five techniques, which are called Forwards
- Trace, Backwards Trace, Stack Trace and Interrupt Trace, in that
- order of difficulty. Of these, Forwards Trace and Backwards trace
- are the only techniques you can use without a Multiface, and are
- the most reliable methods. You should only really have to use the
- others in exceptional circumstances, which are, on the whole,
- games which don't have a lives system or a GAME OVER message.
- Very few games use unusual routines, since it's just a hindrance
- to the programmer.
- We'll start with Forwards Trace. You've already had a go at this
- from the last part, so hopefully it won't be too hard to
- understand. Then we'll look at the backwards trace, followed by
- some practical examples.
- For the forwards trace, you start with the lives initialisation
- routine, and then work forwards from there.
- The first thing you need to do is to find where the number of
- lives are defined. We've already seen how numbers are put into
- memory locations, and this is exactly what happens in most games.
- (From now on, all the machine code programs discussed here will
- be written as hexadecimal bytes, and as mnemonics.)
- 3E XX LD A,XX (where XX is the number of lives)
- 32 XX XX LD (XXXX),A (where XXXX is a memory location,
- which we will refer to as the
- "lives store".)
- You have already come across these instructions, but just to
- resume, the number of lives is put in the A register, which in
- turn is put in the lives store, the overall result being the
- number of lives being put in the lives store.
- To find this, use the search function on your disassembler
- (QUEST 16384 on STK), and search for 3E <number of lives>. So
- if you had five lives, you'd search for 3E 05. You may find that
- this instruction occurs a few times, but you will probably find
- that only one actually puts the value of A in a memory location
- straight away. If there appear to be two occurrences where the
- number of lives is put into a memory location, then you may have
- to test all of them. You can, in general, rule out memory locations
- in which the number of lives is put in twice.
- If you want to confirm you've found the lives store, you need
- a Multiface. Load the game up, and while playing the game, alter
- the value in what you think is the lives store. If the number
- of lives varies, you've found the lives store. If not, try
- another possible location. If you can't find any memory location
- which looks like a lives store, you won't be able to forwards
- trace, I'm afraid, in which case you should try the backwards
- trace instead.
- Once you've found the lives store, you'll have to search for
- occurrences of it. You are basically looking for code which takes
- the value out of the lives store and puts it in a register
- (normally the A register), decreases the number by one, and puts
- the new result back in the lives store. To get infinite lives, you
- have to overwrite the decrement instruction with a blank
- instruction so that the number of lives is left intact.
- The code you want normally takes one of two formats:
- 1st type:
- 3A XX XX LD A,(XXXX) where XXXX is the lives store
- 3D DEC A (we want to remove this)
- 32 XX XX LD (XXXX),A (putting the new value in the lives store)
- 2nd type:
- 21 XX XX LD HL,XXXX where XXXX is the lives store
- 35 DEC (HL) We want to remove this
- You may find that there are other instructions between these.
- Don't worry about what they mean, just ignore them.
- In order to remove the decrement instruction, we have to do
- one of two things. The most common is to replace the DEC A or
- DEC (HL) with a NOP (code 00). If this gives you only one life,
- replace the DEC A with OR A (code B7), or replace the DEC (HL)
- with OR (HL) (code B6). Don't worry why!
- Also known as "backtracking", a backwards trace starts from the
- GAME OVER message, and goes back from there to the lives routine.
- It is normally used when a forwards trace does not work or is
- unsuitable (eg: when finding infinite energy), the easiest
- alternative is to use a backwards trace.
- The first thing you need to do is to find out what message is
- printed on the screen when you die. Nine times out of ten it's
- "GAME OVER", but there are exceptions.
- For GAME OVER you have to search for the following bytes :
- 47 41 4D 45 32 4F 56 45 52. This is GAME OVER in ASCII (look up
- the codes in Appendix A of the Spectrum manual if you like).
- Sometimes, you may not find it, in which case just search for
- 47 41 4D 45 (GAME in ASCII). If that search fails, then the
- GAME OVER text is not in an ASCII format (this is rare, because
- printing routines are considerably smaller when ASCII is used),
- and you can't do a backwards trace.
- Once you've found the GAME OVER message, you need to find out
- which part of the program refers to it. Normally, a print
- routine will load a register with the address of the GAME OVER
- routine, then print it. One possible register is HL (as we have
- met before), but also two other registers called BC and DE. Normally,
- all of these three registers are referred to as "register pairs",
- because they are two registers, each the same size as the A
- register, working together, so they can address all of the memory.
- You want to look for the following:
- 01 XX XX LD BC,XXXX (where XXXX is the address of the GAME
- 11 XX XX LD DE,XXXX (as above)
- 21 XX XX LD HL,XXXX (as above)
- (Remember that XXXX will be written "backwards" in the game's
- machine code!)
- You should only find one occurrence of any of the above
- instructions. If you can't find any, repeat the search but take
- one away from the address the GAME OVER text is. (This is because
- sometimes there are Spectrum ASCII control codes such as 16 XX
- for PAPER XX before the actual text, and these are referred
- to as the start of the message). If that doesn't work, repeat the
- search taking one away again. Keep doing this and you'll soon
- find one of the above instructions.
- When you've found the instruction, note down where it occurs.
- The part of the code you are now in is part of the GAME OVER
- printing routine. What you now need to do is go back through
- the code until you find either the code C3 XX XX (which is JP
- XXXX), or C9 (which is RET, which behaves exactly the same way
- as RETURN in BASIC.) Alternatively, you may find a blank area
- of memory (00 00 00 00 00 00 etc.) The address after one of
- these instructions is the START of the GAME OVER routine.
- When you've found the start of the GAME OVER routine, you
- can find out which part of the code calls it. Then, to get a
- cheat, you can remove all parts of the code which branch to
- the GAME OVER routine. Search for the address of the start of
- the routine. You will probably find some of the following:
- ...where XXXX is the start of the game over routine. JP is
- similar to GOTO in BASIC, while CALL is similar to GOSUB (so that
- a RET instruction will return to the instruction after the call -
- except in some protection systems, but more about that later).To
- cheat, simply poke all three bytes of the instruction you find
- with 00 (so as to disable the CALL or JP). And there you have it!
- Using the techniques of forwards trace and backwards trace, you
- should be able to hack most old, unprotected games!
- So far, you've worked out the all important basics of hacking.
- However, there is another, equally important facet of hacking
- games that you should know about.
- Few games these days are unprotected. They feature "protection
- systems" which prevent you from breaking into a program and
- fiddling about with it. The difficulty level varies, but in
- general they use two concepts - headerless loading and
- decryption.
- Before we do anything, I should point out that you're going to
- need a disassembler from now on. The machine code listings in
- this book use Devpac's notation, but 007 Disassembler's notation
- is almost identical, except it uses decimal instead of hex.
- Hopefully, you shouldn't get lost if you use
- Anyway, for now, we'll forget about decryption and
- concentrate of headerless loaders, since they're common to all
- protection systems.
- A headerless loader will look something like this:
- 3E FF LD A,#FF
- 37 SCF
- CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- ...where XX can be any number from #00 to #FF. IX is another
- register similar to HL, but has slightly different properties,
- which you don't need to worry about right now. The value put into
- IX is always the start address of the block to be loaded, and the
- value put into DE is always the length of the block to be loaded.
- So the routine works exactly like loading and saving bytes in
- The only differences you should ever find are that the CALL is
- to a different address (#0556 is the ROM loading routine, so
- other CALLS are to turboloaders in RAM), the LD A,#FF has some
- other value loaded into A instead, or is missing, or the SCF is
- missing. Basically, if you see DD 21 XX XX 11 XX XX in a
- protection system, you can be pretty sure it will be used to load
- something.
- Now we know how a headerless loader works, let's try and hack a
- real one. As an example, I've chosen Ethnipod, which was on the
- May 1991 YS Covertape.
- First of all, load up STK at any address (I'd suggest 32768, but
- you don't have to) and press Z to BLOAD in the BASIC. Then use
- STK to list the basic, and you'll get the following:
- 10 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLEAR 24999: LOAD "" CODE
- 65000: RANDOMIZE USR 65000
- Therefore, we should type in CLEAR 24999:LOAD "" CODE 65000 and
- restart the tape. When the OK message appears, stop the tape,
- load up your disassembler, and have a look at address 65000
- (#FDE8). Here's a complete disassembly of the code you'll find
- there.
- FDE8 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- FDEB 11 01 40 LD DE,#4001
- FDF1 36 00 LD (HL),#00
- LDIR is a command we haven't met before, but it's easy to
- understand. It's a copying routine. The start address of the
- block you want to copy is put in HL, the length of the block you
- want to copy is put in BC, and the start address of the area of
- memory you want to copy it to is put in DE. So, in the example
- above, the area of memory from #4000 is copied to #4001 for #1AFF
- bytes. In short, this routine is overlaying each address in this
- area of memory with the byte of the previous address.
- The LD (HL),00 means that byte #00 is put into address #4000.
- Therefore, the whole of the memory from #4000 to #5AFF is filled
- with 0. In case you didn't know, the whole of this memory is the
- screen memory, so this bit of code is what makes the screen black
- when loading the game normally. If you want, you can change the
- byte at #FDED to #00 to give LD DE,#0001, so the contents of the
- screen memory are copied into the ROM (except that they aren't
- because the ROM is a read-only memory and you can't write
- anything into it.) This will stop the screen going black. You
- don't actually need to do it at all, but there we go.
- Continuting the disassembly:
- FDF5 11 00 1B LD DE,#1B00
- FDF8 DD 21 00 80 LD IX,#8000
- FDFF CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- This portion of code loads in a block of code, with the start
- #8000 and the length #1B00.
- FE02 3E 00 LD A,#00
- FE04 D3 FE OUT (#FE),A
- This part of the code includes an OUT instruction, but OUT in
- machine code is exactly indentical to that in BASIC. So, this
- routine is basically the equivalent of OUT 254,0 in BASIC. If you
- don't know what that does, it sets the border to black.
- FE06 11 00 40 LD DE,#4000
- FE09 21 00 80 LD HL,#8000
- FE0C 01 00 1B LD BC,#1B00
- This is another LDIR, and it moves the code from #8000 to #4000
- for #1B00 bytes. In other words, it copies the screen picture
- into the screen memory so you can see it.
- FE11 11 60 9D LD DE,#9D60
- FE14 DD 21 B4 5F LD IX,#5FB4
- FE18 37 SCF
- FE19 3E FF LD A,#FF
- FE1B CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- This part of code loads another block, with start 5FB4 and
- length 9D60.
- FE1E C3 C7 61 JP 61C7
- This part of the routine jumps to the game itself once it is
- loaded.
- To hack the game, replace the C3 at FE1E with C9. This will put
- a RET at the end of all the code, so the loader will return to
- BASIC when all loading has finished.
- When the OK message comes up, you can hack the game as you've
- done with unprotected games. If you load STK into address #6000
- (24576 decimal), and hack the game using a forwards trace, you'll
- eventually find that changing #EF09 to 0 gives you infinite lives
- for player one. Then to start the game, type RANDOMIZE USR 25031
- (61C7 in decimal), and bingo!
- To write a hack, we need to rewrite the BASIC loader, but make
- the modifications so we can put POKEs in:
- 10 CLEAR 24999
- 20 LOAD "" CODE 65000
- This comes directly from the BASIC loader and loads the small
- headerless loader code.
- 30 POKE 65054,201
- This means that control will return to BASIC when all the
- headerless code has been loaded
- 40 RANDOMIZE USR 65000
- This starts off the headerless loader.
- 50 POKE 61193,0
- This is the infinite lives POKE
- 60 RANDOMIZE USR 25031
- This starts the game itself. Easy when you know how!
- Now we know how a simple headerless loader works, let's crack a
- turboloader. There are loads of YS covertape games which have a
- suitable loader, but I'm going to choose Pixy the Microdot 2,
- although you'll find that any YS game which uses blue, black and
- magenta stripes when loading is almost identical.
- First of all, load up STK at address 58550 (you'll find out why
- later on), to find out what the BASIC loader has to say, using
- the same method as with Ethnipod. It starts running at line 0.
- 20 CLEAR 64999:LOAD "mc" CODE:LOAD "pixldsy"
- CODE 65146,200:LOAD "screen" SCREEN$:RANDOMIZE
- USR 65000
- The BASIC starts at line 1. The commands should be obvious to
- you. Type CLEAR 64999:LOAD "" CODE, start the tape, and load in
- the first block of code. Stop the tape when the OK message comes
- up.
- Now load your disassembler and examine the code at 65146, which is
- FE7A hex.
- FE7A F3 DI
- DI is short for "disable interrupts". What are interrupts, I
- hear you ask? Well, imagine you're watching TV when suddenly,
- someone says "We interrupt this program to give you an important
- newsflash!" Then, after the newsflash, the program you were
- watching resumes. Well, computer interrupts work in exactly the
- same way. In fact, every fiftieth of a second, a program is
- "interrupted" by the computer, which then checks to see if you're
- pressing any keys, and resumes the original program. The command
- DI simply stops this happening, and your program continues
- without any interruption! This makes the program run faster.
- However, you CANNOT get back to BASIC by a RET command, because
- the computer won't be checking the keyboard, and so it has
- effectively locked up. To get round this, you must execute the
- command EI (enable interrupts) first, so control can be resumed.
- Don't worry about doing this now, though.
- FE7B 31 60 61 LD SP,6160
- This is a new instruction. SP (short for "stack pointer") is a
- 16-bit register, like BC, DE and HL. However, it's far more
- important as far as BASIC is concerned. In machine code, there
- are two ways of storing numbers. The first, using memory
- locations, we've already come across. However, there is another
- method by storing numbers on what is called a stack. Think of a
- stack as a big spike on which you can push pieces of paper with
- information on. Then, later on, you can take them off the stack
- and use them. If you think about it, if you put the numbers 1, 2
- and 3 on the stack, in that order, you'll have to take 3 off
- first, then 2, then 1 (think about it). And it's the same in
- machine code. There are instructions which enable values of
- registers to be put on the stack, and which enable the value on
- the top of the stack to be taken off and put in a register.
- The stack, like everything else, has to go somewhere in memory.
- The SP (stack pointer) register gives the address of the top of
- the stack. So LD SP,6160 will mean that the stack is to start at
- address 6160.
- This is bad news if you want to return to BASIC, because the
- Spectrum's ROM program puts lots of information on the stack, so
- if you change the stack pointer, it's going to receive garbage
- when it takes all the values off what it thinks is the stack. And
- that, of course, will mean a crash. So the general rule is LEAVE
- You can change the value of the stack pointer using CLEAR from
- BASIC. If a machine code instruction has LD SP,XXXX, you can type
- CLEAR (XXXX)-1. So here, we should CLEAR (#6160)-1 = #615F. Bear
- in mind that the value will have to be in decimal, which is
- 24927. So exit from STK, CLEAR 24927, and go back into it again.
- This will mean that later on we can do the EI / RET as described
- above. Then you have to remove the LD SP instruction, which is
- most easily done by changing FE7B to 21, so it reads LD HL,6160.
- This is harmless in this case.
- Carrying on through the code....
- FE7E DD 21 00 40 LD IX,4000
- FE82 11 00 1B LD DE,1B00
- FE85 CD 97 FE CALL FE97
- As you can probably see, this loads a headerless block, the
- loading screen, in fact. However, you'll notice, as I said
- eariler, that some of the other commands (LD A,#FF and SCF) are
- missing, and the CALL goes to a different address. This is
- because it's a turboloader.
- FE88 DD 21 60 61 LD IX,6160
- FE8C 11 4B 83 LD DE,834B
- This loads another block, start 6160 and length 834B. This
- means, that all the memory from 6160 to E4AB will be overwritten.
- Fortunately, you loaded STK into address 58550, which is E4B6
- hex, so it won't be overwritten. Clever, eh? Meanwhile....
- FE92 30 F4 JR NC,FE88
- Something I haven't told you yet is that after a headerless
- load, a JR NC will result in that JR if there is a tape loading
- error. So, if there was a tape loading error in loading this
- game, the JR NC,FE88 would be executed (so that computer would
- try and reload the block).
- FE94 C3 60 61 JP 6160
- This starts the main program running.
- To crack the loader, therefore, POKE FE94 with FB (for EI) and
- FE95 with C9 (for RET), along with the modifications I've already
- told you about. Then RANDOMIZE USR 65146, and restart the tape
- (it is possible that you didn't stop the tape quickly enough the
- previous time, so you'll miss the turboload header, in which case
- wind back just before it). When the game has finished loading,
- an OK message will appear.
- And that's it! Well, actually it's not, because the game is
- actually compressed, and needs to be unpacked first. Don't worry,
- because it's easy to hack. Go into STK again, and look at address
- 6160. You're looking for a JP instruction to the game, which is
- what is executed when the game is unpacked. You'll find it at
- 61A3. So POKE 61A3,FB and 61A4,C9 (for an EI / RET), and
- RANDOMIZE USR 24928. Wait a few seconds until BASIC returns. And
- there we are - you've cracked the loader!
- You might be wondering how you can tell that the game is
- compressed. Well, there are two things. Firstly, the JP from the
- loader (6160) is to a very low address in the usuable RAM (which
- only starts at 5B00). But more noticeable, you won't be able to
- do a forwards trace or a backwards trace until you run the
- decompressor. In fact, in general, if you think you should be
- able to forwards trace or backwards trace a game for infinite
- lives, and haven't overloaded any important code with a
- disassembler, but nothing happens, its worth looking at the start
- of the code executed and seeing if there's a JP a bit later on to
- a completely different address.
- So now, perhaps, we should write a complete hack for the game.
- 10 CLEAR 24927:LOAD "" CODE
- This is from the BASIC loader and loads in the first block of
- code. We've changed the CLEAR though, so the stack is in the
- right place.
- 20 POKE 65147,33
- This changes the LD SP,6160 into LD HL,6160 so the SP isn't
- tampered with.
- 30 POKE 65172,251:POKE 65173,201
- This changes the JP 6160 to an EI / RET so control will return to
- our hack once the game has loaded.
- 40 RANDOMIZE USR 65146
- This starts the game loading
- 50 POKE 24995,251:POKE 24996,201
- This changes the JP 86CE to an EI / RET so control will return to
- our hack once the game has decompressed
- 60 RANDOMIZE USR 24928
- This starts the game decompressor.
- 70 POKE 28402,0
- This is the infinite lives POKE, which you'll find out when you
- do a forwards trace on the uncompressed game.
- 80 RANDOMIZE USR 34510
- This is the start of the game.
- Now that you've done that, why not crack another game which uses
- the same loader? They're nearly all the same, except some of the
- JP addresses will be different. And then when you've done that,
- why not have a look at some other headerless loaders - most games
- by Codemasters use them.
- You will find, however, that you will sometimes have to
- overwrite some of the memory with your disassembler. There's no
- easy way to tell where it should be, I'm afraid, so you'll have
- to take pot luck. If your forwards trace and backwards trace are
- both unsuccessful, try loading the disassembler elsewhere in
- memory, or look to see if the game is compressed.
- By this point, you should be familiar with headerless loaders,
- which take up the bulk of most protection systems these days.
- However, there is one other important aspect of protection that
- you need to know about if you are to crack the more complex
- protection systems. It's encryption.
- Encryption works like a secret code. You start off with somthing
- unintelligable, then you use the "secret rules" to change it into
- something that makes sense. So, IBDLFST doesn't make much sense,
- but if you take the previous letter in the alphabet each time,
- you get HACKERS, which makes perfect sense. Encryption works in
- roughly the same way. We've already seen that a loading system
- occupies a small area of memory. An encrypted loading system will
- appear as a block of code which makes absolutely no sense
- whatsoever. There will also be a short program which changes all
- this nonsense into workable code so the loading system can be
- run. Some really tough loading systems, have more than one
- decrypter, such as the Alkatrazz loading system which has 250 of
- the damn things; in practice I've got through about 25 before
- going mad and hacking something else (don't worry, there's
- another way of hacking them which I'll tell you about later.)
- To make it easier for you to understand decryption, its best to
- have a look at a real loading system. As an example, I've chosen
- Impossaball, which was on the YS#75 covertape. Load up STK at
- address 50000 (it's a safe address), and see what the BASIC has
- to say for itself by BLOADing it......
- 10 CLEAR 64530: LOAD "" CODE:RANDOMIZE USR 64531
- 20 LOAD "" CODE 16384
- 21 FOR i=1 TO 40 STEP - RANDOMIZE USR 50000
- Fair enough - so enter CLEAR 64530:LOAD "" CODE and start the
- tape. The first code block loads in, and then - it crashes!
- What's going on? Don't worry, you have just fallen victim to the
- first type of encryption - BASIC encryption.
- In BASIC, any numerical constant (technotwaddle for "number")
- between 0 and 65,535 is stored in the memory as follows. First,
- there is the number in it's ASCII form, which takes between 1 and
- 5 bytes. So, the number 1234 will appear as #30,#31#,#32,#33
- here. Then, come the numbers #0D,#00 and 00 (this is always the
- case). Then, there is the number stored in it's two byte form (as
- in machine code). What happens it that the computer prints the
- ASCII form (which is what you get when you LIST a program), but
- uses the two-byte form in calculations and expressions. The
- upshot of all this is that what you see isn't always what you
- get! As an example, type in this:
- 1 PRINT 1
- Now type POKE 23760,50 (which changes the ASCII value of the
- number 1 from "1" to "2"). Now if you LIST the program, you will
- see 1 PRINT 2, but if you RUN the program, the computer will
- print the number 1 instead!
- Needless to say, protection systems use the same idea.
- Sometimes, the numbers listed are obviously fake (if you list a
- program and you get something like 0 CLEAR 0:RANDOMIZE USR 0 it's
- obviously got encrypted BASIC), but some programs, like the
- Impossaball are not obvious at all until you try executing what
- you see.
- There was a program called *List printed ages ago in YS, but if
- you haven't got that, I've reprinted it here. So type it in, SAVE
- it to tape, RUN it and reload the Impossaball BASIC loader.
- loading LINE 10 LEN 81
- 10 CLEAR 25599: LOAD "" CODE: RANDOMIZE USR 64512
- 20 LOAD "" CODE 16384
- 21 FOR i=1 TO 40 STEP ????....
- Now that's what you really get! Type CLEAR 25599:LOAD "" CODE
- and load in the first block of code. When that's done, load up
- your disassembler, and disassemble address 64512 (FC00 hex) to
- have a look at the decrypter.
- FC00 01 99 02 LD BC,#0299
- FC03 21 13 FC LD HL,#FC13
- FC06 11 14 FC LD DE,#FC14
- This part of the program sets up all the initial values for the
- decrypters in some of the registers.
- FC09 1A LD A,(DE)
- We've come across brackets before, but briefly what happens here
- is that the contents of the address with the value of the DE
- register (which starts of as #FC14) are put into the A register.
- So now the A register could contain any byte.
- We haven't seen XOR before, so I'll explain what it does. It is
- in technical terms a Boolean Operation. You may have seen XOR
- gates if you studied (or are studying!) Physics, Electronics or
- Computer Science at school. An XOR gate has two inputs, which can
- each either be 0 or 1, and one output, which can be either 0 or 1
- as well. If the two inputs are the same (0 and 0, or 1 and 1),
- the output is 0, otherwise it is 1. In machine code, you XOR the
- A register with a number or contents of a register, and what
- happens is that each bit in the A register is XORed with the same
- bit in the number or register contents, and the result is stored
- in the A register. If you're confused, look at the example below.
- Contents of the A register 00100101
- Number to be XORed with 01010011
- Result 01110110
- (Notice that all the numbers are in binary - see your Spectrum
- manual for more information about this).
- If you still don't understand, just remember that an XOR will
- change the contents of the A register. That's all you need to
- remember for now.
- Continuing the disassembly...
- FC0B 77 LD (HL),A
- This puts the value of A (which has just been changed) into the
- bytes at the address with the value of the HL register (which
- starts off as #FC13).
- So, the routine has basically taken a byte out of a memory
- location, changed it a bit, and put the altered value back again.
- This is decryption in its most obvious form - the changed values
- make up a working machine code program.
- FC0C 23 INC HL
- FC0D 13 INC DE
- I don't think I've mentioned INC before, but it's basically the
- opposite of DEC in that it increases the value in whatever
- register. So the values in the HL and DE registers are
- incremented, and the value in the BC register is decremented.
- FC0F 78 LD A,B
- FC10 B1 OR C
- FC11 20 F6 JR NZ,#FC09
- This is a standard piece of code, and it essentially means "If
- BC isn't 0, then jump to #FC09". In other words, another byte
- will be decrypted until the value of BC is 0 (which happens when
- everything has been decrypted), and the decrypter ends.
- Continuing the disassembly...
- FC13 5C LD E,H
- FC14 9F SBC A,A
- FC15 A5 AND L
- FC16 5B LD E,E
- FC17 13 INC DE
- FC18 5B LD E,E
- ....
- Hang on - this code doesn't make sense! It has no relation to
- the code above, and the instruction LD E,E is pointless anyway.
- Well, you'll remember that the initial value of decryption is
- #FC13, which means that all the code from there onwards has to be
- decrypted. So we'll have to crack the decrypter to go any
- further.
- Sometimes, it is possible to put an EI/RET instruction directly
- after the decrypter, but this is not possible here, as you will
- see. So instead, we'll have to move the decrypter somewhere else
- in memory, and put the EI/RET on the end (in actual fact we don't
- need the EI because there is no DI command in the decrypter).
- This is easily done by using the LDIR command. Type in the
- following program:
- 1 FOR N=23296 TO 23310:INPUT A:POKE N,A:NEXT N
- Now RUN it and enter the following numbers:
- 33,0,252,17,128,91,1,1,18,0,237,176,54,201,201
- The program you have just typed in is this:
- LD HL,FC00
- LD DE,5B80
- LD BC,0012
- LD (HL),C9
- Now RANDOMIZE USR 23296 and the decrypter will be copied to 5B80
- and a RET will be stuck on the end. Just RANDOMIZE USR 23424
- (5B80 in decimal) to run the decrypter. When the OK message comes
- up, restart the disassembler and look at FC13 again:
- FC13 C3 3A FE JP #FE3A
- This jumps to #FE3A, to start the loading.
- FE3A F3 DI
- FE3B 21 00 58 LD HL,#5800
- FE3E 11 01 58 LD DE,#5801
- FE41 01 FF 02 LD BC,#02FF
- FE44 36 00 LDIR
- As you already know, this makes the screen black.
- FE48 CD 81 FE CALL #FE81
- FE4B CD 00 80 CALL #8000
- If you look at the code at #FE81, you'll see it's a headerless
- loader. The routine at #8000 prints the loading screen.
- FE4E CD 81 FE CALL #FE81
- FE51 CD 00 64 CALL #6400
- This loads another block (the main game), and prints another
- screen (the border for the game).
- FE54 F3 DI
- This disables interrupts and changes the stack pointer, so we'll
- have to change that in the final hack.
- FE58 21 00 6D LD HL,#6000
- FE5B 11 00 5B LD DE,#5B00
- FE5E 01 00 8F LD BC,#8F00
- This is another LDIR command, but if you know how the Spectrum's
- memory is organised, you will see that the BASIC system variables
- are overwritten, which means we can't return to BASIC when the
- game has loaded. Fortunately, there's a short routine to get
- round this, which I'll explain in a mo.
- FE63 21 71 FE LD HL,#FE71
- FE66 11 00 F0 LD DE,#F000
- FE69 01 10 00 LD BC,#0010
- FE6E C3 00 F0 JP F000
- This moves the code from FE71 to F000, and jumps to F000.
- Obviously, then, the code at FE71 is important.
- FE71 21 00 FC LD HL,#FC00
- FE74 11 01 FC LD DE,#FC01
- FE77 01 FF 01 LD BC,#01FF
- FE7A 36 00 LD (HL),0
- FE7E C3 00 80 JP #8000
- This routine wipes out all the memory from #FC00 to #FC01, but
- in actual fact you don't need to do this. Then it jumps to #8000,
- which is the start of the game. So, we can put a machine code
- routine to put a POKE in, and then jump to #8000.
- However, we've got to find the POKE first, and there's the
- problem that we can't use BASIC because it is overwritten.
- Luckily, there is a short routine you can use which will cause a
- NEW to a certain address. Put it into the above program by typing
- in the following:
- 1 FOR N=65137 TO 65144:INPUT A:POKE N,A:NEXT N
- Then RUN it, and enter these numbers in turn:
- 243,175,17,0,95,195,203,17
- The program you've just typed in is the following:
- DI
- LD DE,#5F00
- JP #11CB
- DI disables interrupts, XOR A loads A with 0 (think about what
- would happen if you XORed the value of the A register with
- itself, LD DE,#5F00 means we want to NEW up to #5F00 (this value
- can be changed from about #5D00 to #FFFF), and JP #11CB starts
- the NEW.
- Now RANDOMIZE USR 65082 (#FE3A in decimal), and restart the game
- tape. When the computer resets, you can load STK into address
- 24320 to find POKEs.
- Phew! And that's about all of that protection system cleared up.
- If you can get your way through that lot, I think you're probably
- ready to have a go at a "commercial" protection system. First,
- though, we'll write a complete hack for the game.
- 10 CLEAR 25599:LOAD "" CODE
- This is from the BASIC loader, and it loads in the first machine
- code block
- 20 FOR N=23296 TO 23310:READ A:POKE N,A:NEXT N
- This line POKEs in the machine code program to move the
- decrypter.
- 30 DATA 33,0,252,17,128,91,1,19,0,237,176,54,201,201
- And here's the actual machine code itself
- 40 RANDOMIZE USR 23296
- This line calls the decrypter and returns to BASIC
- 40 FOR N=65137 TO 65143: READ A:POKE N,A:NEXT N
- This line POKEs in our hacking program
- 50 DATA 175,50,??,??,195,0,128
- And here's the hacking program, which loads ???? with 0 (which is
- the infinite lives POKE), and jumps to #8000.
- 60 RANDOMIZE USR 65082
- This starts the whole loading system off, with the POKE firmly in
- place.
- And that's about it. A bit of a long piece of work, but it was
- worth it!
- PART 5 - Advanced Hacking Methods
- Remember in Part 2, when I said there were other ways of
- hacking, apart from forwards and backwards tracing? Well, you can
- find them here. But you need a Multiface to be able to use them.
- The two we're interested with here are what I call a stack trace
- and an interrupt trace.
- We've already come across the stack as a means of storing
- numbers. What you haven't come across yet is how the stack is
- used. Well, in a CALL to a subroutine, what actually happens is
- that the return address from the subroutine (which is the address
- after the CALL instruction) is stored on the stack, and with a
- RET, the top value of thhe stack is taken off and jumped to.
- With a Multiface, the value on the top of the stack is the
- return address to the program. and subsequent values refer to
- return addresses in subroutines.
- To do a stack trace, load and play the game, and wait until the
- "death effect" occurs - this may be a beep, a flashing border or
- something else recognisable. Now quickly press the Multiface
- button during this effect - if you're too slow, you won't get
- the values you're looking for (so return to the game and die
- again). Now, look at the value of the stack pointer (your
- Multiface manual will tell you how to do this), and write down
- all the values on top of the stack for the first ten bytes. All
- numbers are stored in the normal reversed two-byte form, so if
- the bytes on the top of the stack were #00,#80,#80,#70,#90,#60,
- the values would be #8000,#7080 and #6090. Have a look at all of
- these addresses - you should find that some of them are addresses
- right after CALL instructions.
- Now for the hacking bit - go to one of these address and write
- down the two bytes there. Then change them to the magic codes #18
- and #FE (this is the machine code version of JR -2, which is an
- endless loop, a bit like 1 GOTO 1 in BASIC). Restart the game,
- and hopefully, you'll find that the game pauses as soon as you do
- something which would normally result in you losing a life! (If
- not, replace the #18FE with the original two bytes, look at
- another address on the "hit list" and repeat the whole
- procedure).
- Once you've found a target address, try putting a RET (#C9) at
- the start of the subroutine. If this just cancels the death
- effect, but you still "die", activate the Genie Disassembler if
- you have it (or use the NEW routine in Part 4 at any address,
- then load in STK or Devpac somewhere far away from the area of
- memory you're looking at), and search for CALLs to this routine.
- Then go back from this CALL until you find a RET or a JP, and
- search for the address of the instruction after this (if nothing
- comes up, search for one more than this, then two more etc.). You
- will hopefully either see one of these:
- JP Z
- JP C
- (The JP may be a JR or a CALL instead)
- Simply overwrite this instruction with NOPs to get immunity or
- something similar.
- On the other hand, when searching from the CALL address, you may
- find a JP Z or JP NZ, etc. Change this to an unconditional JP to
- get immunity.
- This involves looking at the interrupt routine in the game.
- Since the whole routine must be executed in 1/50th of a second,
- the routines are usually quite short, especially if there is a
- LDIR or something similar. Most of the time you'll find infinite
- time in this routine (because interrupts work in real time, so
- its an ideal place to put a time routine), and you need a
- Multiface to find it.
- Load the game and start playing as normal. Then activate the
- Multiface, and have a look at the I register. If the value is
- #3F, there are no special interrupts, so forget about an
- interrupt trace altogether (but you can use a stack trace which
- will make the clock loop round to 99 or whatever when it reaches
- 0). If it is between #80 and #FF (and if it's not in that range
- and not #3F you've probably crashed the computer!), go to the
- address #100 time that of the value in the I register (so if the
- value of I is #F0, look at #F000). You will see an area of memory
- filled with the same number. Go to this address (if this area of
- memory is filled with #FE, go to #FEFE etc.) There will either be
- a jump to the interrupts routine, or the interrupts routine
- itself. Have a look at the routine, and somewhere you will see
- the commands to decrease the timer - just remove the DEC
- instruction to get infinite time.
- PART 6 - Commercial Protection Systems
- If you can understand everything we've done so far, you can now
- probably crack just about any budget game or YS covergame that's
- thrown at you. And indeed, you can probably get featured in
- "Practical POKEs" month in month out (like a load of anonymous
- hackers, I might add!) by using the knowledge you've got.
- However, if you want to become a hacking legend, you should have
- a go at some of the numerous commercial protection systems, which
- have been written by freelancers for software houses.
- I think we're getting seriously into Multiface territory now,
- but I'll try and do as much as possible with only STK and 007
- Disassembler.
- I think I should also say that cracking commercial protection
- systems is NOT easy. The code is deliberately badly structured
- and obscurely coded to put you off, so you'll have to perservere.
- You really do need something like a Multiface or Devpac to crack
- some of these systems, because they can overwrite the system
- variabes in BASIC, and you sometimes need to know the values of
- certain registers, which is impossible to determine using BASIC.
- You'll also need some games other than YS stuff to hack, but
- fortunately, protection systems such as Speedlock or Alkatrazz
- are so common, you're bound to have a game with one of them on.
- I'll be doing examples specific to one game, but you'll find that
- onther game with the same protection is pretty much the same,
- except you're likely to find that some of the addresses will be
- different.
- Before we start, I'd just like to point out that I'll be
- referring to the term "breakpoint" a lot. This is simply a small
- bit of code which will stop the program dead in its tracks. Using
- DEVPAC, you just press the W key. On a Multiface, you do the same
- as a stack trace, by writing down the two bytes at the place you
- want to put a breakpoint, then replacing them with #18 and #FE.
- If you are using 007 disassembler and/or STK, you'll need to put
- a jump to the start of the program (#C3 #00 #40 for 007
- disassembler; STK varies depending on where you put it).
- So let's start with something relatively simple....
- "Bleepload" first appeared on Firebird games around March 1987,
- and was used by them on every release by them from then on until
- their demise in 1989. It emulates a BBC loading system in that
- each file loads in a series of blocks, which are numbered in
- hexadecimal. The hardness is not because it uses non standard
- cde, it's just that it jumps around so much in memory you need to
- put in an awful lot of software patches.
- I'll be hacking Bubble Bobble as an example.
- First of all, load in *Hack, and load in the BASIC loader.
- Bubble LINE 10 LEN 179
- 10 REM
- 20 CLEAR 50000
- 50 LOAD "Bobble" CODE 52480
- 60 RANDOMIZE USR 52480
- There is absolutely nothing difficult about this BASIC loader,
- so just type CLEAR 50000:LOAD "" CODE and start the tape to load
- the first block of code. Stop the tape when it's loaded, and load
- in your disassembler into address 32768 (it's a safe one), and
- have a look at the code at CD00.
- CD00 3A 5C 5B LD A,(#5B5C)
- CD03 32 00 60 LD (#6000),A
- This takes the byte at #5B5C and puts it in #6000. #5B5C is the
- system variable for the 128K page number, in case you're
- interested.
- CD06 3E 02 LD A,#02
- CD08 CD 01 16 CALL #1601
- This is a standard ROM routine, and all it does it to tell the
- computer we want to print something on the screen.
- CD0C 32 6B 5C LD (#5C6B),A
- As you may be aware, poking #5C6B (23659 decimal) with 0 will
- cause the computer to crash if you press BREAK or return to
- BASIC. So POKE CD0E,0 which changes it to LD (#006B),A; this is
- harmless.
- The routine at #CECE prints the message "Searching" on screen.
- CD12 10 09 DJNZ #CD1D
- We haven't come across the command DJNZ before. It basically
- means "decrease the value in the B register, and jump if B is not
- zero."
- CD14 11 08 FF LD DE,#FF08
- CD17 16 00 LD D,0
- This routine prints the number 00 on screen.
- CD1C 3E 08 LD A,#08
- CD1E 32 15 FF LD (#FF15),A
- CD21 CD 74 CD CALL #CD74
- This routine loads in a block of code from tape (in actual fact
- the start address is #FE00 and its length is #100 bytes).
- CD24 3E 00 FA LD A,(#FE00)
- CD27 FE 64 CP #64
- CD29 20 F6 JR NZ,#CD21
- This routine loads A with the value at #FE00. The CP instruction
- compares the value in the A register with something, in this case
- the number #64. If there is no match, the routine jumps back to
- #CD21, otherwise it continues. This routine actually checks to
- see if the block is found.
- CD2B 3A 01 FF LD A,(#FF01)
- CD2F 28 05 JR Z,#CD36
- This routine checks to see if the block has been loaded
- successfully. If so, it jumps to #CD36, otherwise it continues.
- CD31 CD 84 CE CALL #CE84
- CD34 18 EB JP #CD21
- This routine prints up the "loading error" message, and attemps
- to load the block again.
- CD36 CD 30 CE CALL #CE30
- The routine at #CE30 is a decrypter (have a look - do you see
- why?), which decrypts the block loaded in ie: from #FE00 to FEFF.
- You don't need to crack it yourself.
- CD39 BE CP (HL)
- CD3A 28 05 JR Z,#CD41
- This routine reloads the block if the value of A equals the
- value at (HL). Don't ask me why.
- This routine moves the code at #FE00 to where it should really
- be in memory.
- This routine prints the "loading" message on the screen, but
- this should in actual fact be "loaded", because the block has
- just been read in at this point of the code.
- CD47 21 04 FF LD HL,#FF04
- CD4A 7E LD A,(HL)
- CD4B 23 INC HL
- CD4D 20 FC JR NZ,#CD4B
- CD4F 23 INC HL
- CD50 23 INC HL
- CD51 23 INC HL
- CD52 23 INC HL
- CD53 7E LD A,(HL)
- CD54 2B DEC HL
- CD55 2B DEC HL
- CD56 2B DEC HL
- CD57 E6 07 AND #07
- CD59 3C INC A
- CD5A 32 15 FF LD (#FF15),A
- CD5D 14 INC D
- CD5E E9 JP (HL)
- This routine starts off with HL as FF04, then does a lot of
- sums, and comes out with a value in the HL register, which it
- jumps to after its loaded the block. This is what we need to
- hack. So POKE CD5E with C9 and RANDOMIZE USR 52480 - you'll find
- out it loads in one block and then stops. However, this isn't
- much use as you can't find out the value of the HL register. So
- put this routine somewhere, such as #5B00.
- 5B00 CD 00 CD CALL #CD00
- 5B03 22 10 5B LD (#5B10),HL
- 5B06 C9 RET
- This routine simply loads the first block, and puts the value of
- HL in #5B10 so we can find out what it is from BASIC.
- Now rewind the tape before the first Bleepload block again, and
- RANDOMIZE USR 23296. When that's finished, type PRINT PEEK
- 23312+256*PEEK 23313. You should get the answer 65293, which is
- #FF0D. Disassemble this address.
- FF0D C3 21 CD JP #CD21
- This will go back and load the next block from tape. We can
- crack it in the same way as the first be changing our routine at
- 5B00.
- 5B00 CD 00 CD CALL #CD00
- 5B03 CD 21 CD CALL #CD21
- 5B06 22 10 5B LD (#5B10),HL
- 5B09 C9 RET
- Now wind the tape back to the first Bleepload block again,
- RANDOMIZE USR 23296 and start the tape. When the OK message comes
- up, type PRINT PEEK 23312+256*PEEK 23313, and you should get
- 65286 which is FF06 hex. Disassemble this address.
- FF06 C3 21 CD JP #CD21
- This goes back and loads another block. By now, you might have
- guessed that the value of HL will always contain the address of a
- JP #CD21 instruction - except for the last block which will jump
- elsewhere. Now we can write a routine which will load any block
- as long as it jumps to #CD21 at the end. I'm putting the routine
- at #CCEC, because it's right next to the loading system, and
- hence is unlikely to be overloaded (although it could be, in
- which case we'd just put the routine elsewhere). The routine goes
- like this.
- This is just loading the first block
- This loads in a block from tape.
- CCF0 23 INC HL
- CCF1 7E LD A,(HL)
- This routine loads the A register with the value of (HL+1). This
- will be #21 if another block is to be loaded.
- CCF3 FE 21 CP #21
- CCF5 20 02 JR NZ,#CCF8
- CCF6 18 F7 JR #CCEF
- This compares the value in the A register to 21. If there is no
- match, then the routine jumps to the end to preserve the value of
- HL, and to return to BASIC. Otherwise, it goes back to load
- another block.
- CCFB <breakpoint>
- This puts the value of HL in address #CCFE, then returns to
- control of the disassembler.
- Now, run this routine (RANDOMIZE USR 52463), rewind to the first
- Bleepload block, and start loading. The program will now load
- blocks 00-2D, and return to control of the disassembler. The
- value at #CCFE is #FF06, so disassemble this address.
- FF06 C3 00 5B JP #5B00
- Now disassemble #5B00, which is the real meat of the loading
- system!
- 5B00 DD E5 PUSH IX
- 5B02 CD 74 CD CALL #CD74
- 5B05 CD 30 CE CALL #CE30
- 5B08 28 07 JR Z,#5B12
- 5B0B 06 00 LD B,#00
- 5B0D CD 84 CE CALL #CE84
- 5B10 18 F0 JR #5B02
- This routine loads in another block of code, and will jump to
- 5B12 when it has been successfully loaded.
- 5B12 F3 DI
- 5B13 E1 POP HL
- 5B14 2E 00 LD L,#00
- 5B16 ED 5B E7 FE LD DE,(#FEE7)
- 5B1A 1A LD A,(#DE)
- 5B1B AE XOR (HL)
- 5B1C 24 INC H
- 5B1D AE XOR (HL)
- 5B1E 25 DEC H
- 5B1F 12 LD (#DE),A
- 5B20 2C INC L
- 5B21 IC INC E
- 5B22 20 F6 JR NZ,#5B1A
- This routine is a decrypter, which decrypts some of the code we
- just loaded in from tape.
- 5B24 ED 5B E7 FE LD DE,(#FEE7)
- 5B26 21 40 5B LD HL,#5B40
- 5B2B 1A LD A,(DE)
- 5B2C AE XOR (HL)
- 5B2D 77 LD (HL),A
- 5B2E 1C INC E
- 5B2F 2C INC L
- 5B30 20 F9 JR NZ,#5B2B
- This code decrypts some more code loaded in from tape, but it
- puts it at #5B40, which is right in the middle of the code we are
- working on at the moment. So put a breakpoint at #5B32 (the first
- instruction after the decrypter), and jump to #5B00 (because we
- haven't executed any of the code from #5B00 onwards yet!)
- 5B32 21 00 00 LD HL,#0000
- 5B35 22 B0 5C LD (#5CB0),HL
- 5B38 2E 02 LD A,#02
- 5B3A 32 6B 5C LD (#5C6B),A
- This puts the value #0000 into #5CB0, but I'm not sure why,
- because #5CB0 is an unused system variable. It then changes the
- value of #5C6B to #02, which is what it was originally before it
- was changed to protect the loader.
- 5B3D ED 5B E7 FE LD DE,(#FEE7)
- 5B41 2A E9 FE LD HL,(#FEE9)
- 5B44 1A LD A,(DE)
- 5B45 AE XOR (HL)
- 5B46 77 LD (HL),A
- 5B47 23 INC HL
- 5B48 IC INC E
- 5B49 20 F9 JR NZ,#5B44
- 5B4B 3A EC FE LA A,(#FEEC)
- 5B4E BC CP H
- 5B4F 20 F3 JR NZ,#5B44
- This is another decrypter, which works in exactly the same way
- as the others.
- 5B51 31 FF 60 LD SP,#60FF
- 5B54 21 00 CF LD HL,#CF00
- 5B57 11 00 40 LD DE,#4000
- 5B5A 01 00 1B LD BC,#1B00
- 5B5F 21 00 EA LD HL,#EA00
- 5B62 11 00 61 LD DE,#6100
- 5B65 01 00 10 LD BC,#1000
- 5B68 ED B0 LDIR
- This code moves all the decrypted code to where it should be.
- This includes the loading screen (as you can see by the reference
- to #4000.)
- 5B6A 3E 65 LD A,#65
- 5B6C 32 00 5B LD (#5B00),A
- 5B6F 21 0F 14 LD HL,#140F
- 5B72 22 01 5B LD (#5B01),HL
- 5B75 21 0F 00 LD HL,#004F
- 5N78 22 03 5B LD (#5B03),HL
- 5B7B CD 00 FA CALL #FA00
- This code loads the next Bleepload block, from 00 to 87, but
- will return to 5B7E when it's finished.
- 5B7E 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- 5B81 11 01 40 LD DE,#4001
- 5B84 36 00 LD (HL),0
- 5B86 01 FF 1A LD BC,#1AFF
- 5B89 ED B0 LDIR
- 5B8B 3E 66 LD A,#66
- 5B8D 32 00 5B LD (#5B00),A
- 5B90 21 0A 0A LD HL,#0A0A
- 5B92 22 01 5B LD (#5B01),HL
- 5B96 21 0D 0A LD HL,#0A0D
- 5B99 22 03 5B LD (#5B03),HL
- 5B9C CD 00 FA CALL #FA00
- This code blanks out the screen and loads some code into it.
- Some Bleepload games do not have this code, and it is only used
- on games whos game code overwrites the loading system at #FA00.
- 5B9F 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- 5BA2 11 00 FA LD DE,#FA00
- 5BA5 01 00 06 LD BC,#0600
- This moves the code loaded from the screen to #FA00 (where it
- should be).
- 5BAA 3A 00 60 LD A,(#6000)
- 5BAD 32 5C 5B LD (#5B5C),A
- 5BB0 31 A7 61 LD SP,#61A7
- 5BB3 CD 8E 02 CALL #28E
- 5BB6 28 1D JR Z,#5BD5
- This routine restores the value of #5B5C that was stored in
- #6000 right at the very start. It then sets the stack to #61A7,
- and calls the ROM keycheck routine. If no key is pressed (and
- there shouldn't be), the routine jumps to 5BD5. In fact, it must
- jump there, otherwise it would attempt to load a normal
- headerless block, and there are none!
- 5BD5 C3 BC F5 JP #F5BC
- This is what we've all been waiting for - the JP to the game
- itself. You can simply put POKEs on the end of #5BD5, and follow
- them with a JP #F5BC to load the game. For now, though, it might
- be a good idea to put the NEW routine up to #61A7 there, instead,
- and JP to #5B32 (where we left off). Then load the rest of the
- game, which will reset at the end, enabling you to load in STK,
- Devpac or whatever.
- Now we've gone all the way through Bleepload, perhaps we should
- write a hack for the complete game. However, I'm going to put
- most of the hack in machine code, rather than have long lines of
- decimal DATA statements. You should be able to convert the
- machine code into DATA statements and get a short program which
- reads them in and POKEs them into memory.
- The only thing that has to be done from BASIC is the CLEAR
- 50000:LOAD "" CODE 52480 from the BASIC loader. The machine code
- hack will consist of the first routine we wrote, followed by a
- few patches to the main loading system, so that the JP to the
- game is overwritten with our POKEs. I'll be putting it at #CC80,
- because it's a safe place in memory.
- CC80 3E C9 LD A,#C9
- CC82 32 5E CD LD (#CD5E),A
- This puts a RET in place of the JP (HL) at #CD5E so we can CALL
- the loading system.
- CC85 CD 00 CD CALL #CD00
- This loads in the first Bleepload block.
- CC88 CD 21 CD CALL #CD21
- This loads in another Bleepload block.
- CC8B 23 INC HL
- CC8C 7E LD A,(HL)
- CC8E FE 21 CP #21
- CC90 20 02 JR NZ,#CC94
- CC92 18 F4 JR #CC88
- This checks to see if all the Bleepload blocks have been loaded,
- and jumps ahead if they have, otherwise it jumps back to load the
- next block.
- CC94 3E C3 LD A,#C3
- CC96 32 32 5B LD (#5B32),A
- CC99 21 A1 CC LD HL,CCA1
- CC9B 22 33 5B LD (#5B33),HL
- CC9E C3 00 5B JP #5B00
- This puts the instruction JP #CCA1 at #5B32 so the loader
- decrypter will return to our hack at #CCA1 when finished.
- CCA1 21 B2 CC LD HL,#CCB2
- CCA4 11 D5 5B LD DE,#5BD5
- CCA7 01 08 00 LD BC,#0008
- This copies the final part of our hacking routine to #5BD5,
- where it will be executed once the whole game has been loaded.
- CCAC 21 00 00 LD HL,#0000
- CCAF C3 35 5B JP #5B35
- The LD HL,#0000 instruction is important, because it's the
- instruction we overwrote with out JP back to the hack. Therefore,
- we've got to execute it, otherwise the loading system may crash.
- Then it resumes loading at #5B35 with the POKEs firmly in place.
- CCB2 3E B6 LD A,#B6
- CCB4 32 5F AB LD (#AB5F),A
- CCB7 C3 BC F5 JP #F5BC
- This is the hacking routine which will be copied into the
- loading system. AB5F,B6 is the POKE for infinite lives (which can
- be worked out by a forwards or a backwards trace), and JP #F5BC
- jumps to the game.
- And that's about it for Bleepload! Hopefully, if you were
- hacking a different game, you still managed to do it (they're all
- virtually identical anyway).
- Remember Ultimate? They were one of the finest software houses
- of all time. Most of their games from 1983 to 1987 had the same
- type of loader (but a few were Speedlocked - more about them
- later). On the face of it, it just looks like a totally
- unprotected BASIC loader, but the appearance is deceptive. The
- five blocks it loads are the loading screen, the game itself, a
- decrypter at #5B80, and two very short blocks of system
- variables. The system variables are, in actual fact the BASIC
- clock, and determine how many 50ths of a second the computer has
- been switched on for. The decrypter works using this system
- variable. The upshot of all this is that if you stop the program
- for even 1/50th of a second, you'll mess up the decrypter. You
- can get round this with a Multiface by loading in the first three
- blocks of code, then replacing the code at #5B80 with #F3,#18 and
- #FE. This disables interrupts, so the system variable doesn't get
- updated, and causes an endless loop. Load in the last two blocks,
- activate the Multiface, and find out what the system variable
- should be. Then you can put this into the decrypter
- automatically.
- This loading system appeared on just about every game released
- by the software house Mikro-Gen (oddly enough!) from about mid-84
- to their demise in 1987. They come in two varieties, and you'll
- need a Multiface to hack some of the later ones, unfortunately.
- The first type are recognised by black and white loading
- stripes, which loads in a screen block, and then the main game
- block separately. I'll be doing Pyjamarama as an example, but any
- Mikro Gen game which fits the above description will do.
- So the first thing to do is to *Hack the BASIC loader.
- 12,12;"LOADING":RANDOMIZE USR (PEEK 23627+256*PEEK 23628+6)
- USR 33040
- The BASIC loader actually features much more than what we can
- list. If you're old enough to remember the ZX81, you'll recall
- that the best place to put a machine code program is in a REM
- statement. And that's almost the case here, except the machine
- code comes after the ASCII code #0D (newline), so you can't list
- it. But it's there. It's activated by the RANDOMIZE USR command.
- Type PRINT (PEEK 23627+256*PEEK 23628+6) and you'll find out the
- start address of the code. I made it 23984, which is 5DB0 hex
- (but you might find it to be something different), so disassemble
- this address.
- 5DB0 F3 DI
- 5DB1 31 00 00 LD SP,#0000
- 5DB4 2A 4B 5C LD HL,(#5C4B)
- 5DB7 11 1C 00 LD DE,#001C
- 5DBB 11 16 80 LD DE,8016
- 5DBE 01 E7 00 LD BC,00E7
- 5DC3 C3 16 80 JP 8016
- Hopefully the DI and the LD SP,#0000 should be familiar. The
- next line loads HL with the two byte value starting at 5C4B. I
- made it 5DAA. This then has 1C added onto it, making it 5DC6. The
- rest of the code is a simple LDIR command, which puts the loading
- system to where it should be.
- In our hack, we can simply use a headerless loader to load the
- code into place. We know that 5DC6 goes to 8016. BASIC always
- starts at the value in #5C53, which is #5CCB in this case. We
- know that the length is 504, or #1F8 hex bytes long, and the
- start address is (#5CCB-#5DC6)+8016 = #7F1B. So, run the
- following routine.
- 5B00 DD 21 1B 7F LD IX,#7F1B
- 5B04 11 F8 01 LD DE,#01F8
- 5B07 3E FF LD A,#FF
- 5B09 37 SCF
- 5B0A CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- 5B0D 30 F1 JR NC,#5B00
- 5B0F C9 RET
- I've put a JR NC,#5B00 in, so that the computer ignores the
- BASIC header, and will only return on loading the main BASIC
- block. You should also note, that in the final hack, we'll have
- to add a DI and a LD SP,#0000 sometime. For now, disassemble
- #8016
- 8016 DD 21 00 40 LD IX,#4000
- 801A 11 01 1B LD DE,#1B01
- 801D CD 4F 80 CALL #804F
- This code activates the turboloader, which loads in the title
- screen.
- 8020 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- 8023 01 00 1B LD BC,#1B00
- 8026 CD 3F 80 CALL #803F
- This code verifies that the screen has loaded in properly
- (the routine at #803F adds up all the memory with start HL and
- length BC, and compares it with the byte after this block), and
- resets the computer if it hasn't.
- 8029 DD 21 00 82 LD IX,#8200
- 802D 11 A0 7A LD DE,#7AA0
- 8030 CD 4F 80 CALL #804F
- 8033 21 00 82 LD HL,#8200
- 8036 01 9F 7A LD BC,#7A9F
- 8039 CD 3F 80 CALL #803F
- This is exactly the same as with the previous code, except it
- loads and checks the main game instead of the loading screen.
- 803C C3 89 FC JP #FC89
- Put a breakpoint over this instruction. Now POKE #8012 with F3,
- #8013 with #31, #8014 with #00 and #8015 with #00 (because we
- didn't execute the DI:LD SP,#0000 from the BASIC loader, and the
- game will not load otherwise), JP #8012 and start the tape. When
- the main game's loaded, disassemble #FC89.
- FC89 21 EF B4 LD HL,#B4EF
- FC8C 11 00 40 LD DE,#4000
- FC8F 01 00 1B LD BC,#1B00
- FC92 1A LD A,(DE)
- FC93 AE XOR (HL)
- FC94 77 LD (HL),A
- FC95 23 INC HL
- FC96 13 INC DE
- FC97 0B DEC BC
- FC98 78 LD A,B
- FC99 B1 OR C
- FC9A 20 F6 JR NZ,#FC92
- This decrypter uses values in the screen memory, so you'll have
- to put a breakpoint at FC9C, put a JP #FC89 at #8029, JP to #8012
- and reload the loading screen before you can run it. Then
- disassemble #BEEA.
- BEEA 31 00 00 LD SP,#0000
- BEF0 C3 00 82 JP #8200
- This code puts the stack pointer back at #0000, CALLs another
- decrypter, and JPs to #8200, which is the start of the game.
- Change the #8200 to a suitable place to put POKEs; finish them
- with a JP #8200 to start the game.
- Here's the final hack, and I've put it at #5B00, because it
- doesn't get overloaded, apart from the byte at #5B00 itself,
- which is no longer needed by that time. Also, I've executed the
- DI:LD SP,#0000 directly, as well as the code from BEEA to BEF2.
- 5B00 DD 21 1B 7F LD IX,#7F1B
- 5B04 11 F8 01 LD DE,#01F8
- 5B07 3E FF LD A,#FF
- 5B09 37 SCF
- 5B0A CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- 5B0D 30 F1 JR NC,#5B00
- 5B0F 21 1C 5B LD HL,#5B1C
- 5B12 22 3D 80 LD (#803D),HL
- 5B15 F3 DI
- 5B16 31 00 00 LD SP,#0000
- 5B19 C3 16 80 JP #8016
- 5B1C 21 25 5B LD HL,#5B25
- 5B1F 22 9D FC LD (#FC9D),HL
- 5B22 C3 89 FC JP #FC89
- 5B25 31 00 00 LD SP,#0000
- 5B2C 32 ?? ?? LD (????),A
- 5B2F C3 00 82 JP #8200
- The other type of Mikro Gen loader is almost identical, except
- the whole game loads in one long block. Then end of the BASIC
- loading system is missing to start with, and is only loaded right
- at the end of the main headerless block. You can find out the
- missing code by loading the game as normal, then stopping it with
- a Multiface in the pause between the game loading, and the game
- starting (approx. 3 seconds), and hack it in the same way as
- Pyjamarama.
- This protection system appeared first around the start of 1984,
- and was written by "Tag" (Phil Taglione) for Incentive Software.
- However, it's been used by quite a lot of other software
- companies as well, including Beyond, Mirrorsoft, Prism and
- Ariolasoft. It can be recognised by the screen turning black,
- accompnied by a few ascending beeps. It then loads one short
- headerless block, and then a longer headerless block, which
- includes the attribute file for the game coming up "backwards"
- ie: right to left, starting from the bottom. The game also stops
- loading just before the end of the long headerless block.
- The only thing I know of that YS have put on the covertape that
- has Powerload is the Graphic Adventure Creator, but that's
- pointless hacking, so instead I'll be hacking Dynamite Dan. Of
- course, most other Powerload games are identical apart from some
- addresses, and, in fact, the BASIC loaders are all identical.
- Before we start, I need to explain a little more about the
- stack, because Powerload uses it a lot. There are four commands
- which use the stack, and they are:
- PUSH X (where X is any register) - this takes the value in a
- register, and puts it onto the stack. The stack pointer then
- decreases by two (to be in the right place to store another
- value).
- POP X - this takes the two byte value at the stack pointer (ie:
- the top of the stack), and puts them in a register. This also
- increases the stack pointer by two.
- CALL XXXX - when you CALL a subroutine, the return address (ie:
- the address after the call) is PUSHed onto the stack, and the
- subroutine is JPed to. The stack pointer also decreases by two.
- RET - when a RET instruction occurs, the computer takes the value
- on the top of the stack, and JPs to it. The stack pointer
- increases by two.
- Now we've cleared that up, let's start hacking. *Hack the BASIC
- as usual.
- D.D. LINE 0 LEN 496
- 0 REM
- 10 CLEAR 59999:POKE 23693,0:POKE 23624,0:POKE 23697,0:CLS:POKE
- 23659,0:FOR N=30 TO 36:BEEP .075,N:NEXT N:RANDOMIZE USR
- 100 REM
- The POKEs in line 10 just make the screen black and prevent you
- from pressing break. 24146 is #5E52 hex; but a breakpoint at
- #5E52 and GOTO 0. This is because the stack is set up in a
- specific way by the BASIC commands.
- 5E52 F3 DI
- 5E53 21 00 00 LD HL,#0000
- 5E56 39 ADD HL,SP
- 5E57 22 F2 5D LD (#5DF2),HL
- This code simply puts the value of the stack pointer into
- address #5DF2, so it can be retreived later.
- 5E5A 31 95 5E LD SP,#5E95
- 5E5D 26 5E LD H,#5E
- 5E60 21 68 5E LD HL,#5E68
- 5E63 E9 JP (HL)
- 5E68 3E 12 LD A,#12
- 5E6A 32 93 53 LD (#5E93),A
- 5E6D E1 POP HL
- 5E6F D1 POP DE
- 5E70 C9 RET
- Put a breakpoint at 5E70 and JP to 5E52. At 5E70, the value on
- the top of the stack is #5E76, so a RET will JP to there.
- 5E76 C1 POP BC
- 5E77 7E LD A,(HL)
- 5E78 ED 44 NEG
- 5E7A 77 LD (HL),A
- 5E7B 23 INC HL
- 5E7C 10 F9 DJNZ #5E77
- This code is, as you might realise, a decrypter. The start value
- of HL is #5E12, and the initial value of B is #3A. In case you're
- interested, the NEG instruction turns the value in the A register
- into its negative form; in other words, the value in A is
- subtracted from #100 hex. Put a breakpoint at #5E7E and JP #5E70
- (which is where we left off).
- 5E7E E1 POP HL
- 5E7F 22 78 5E LD (#5E78),HL
- 5E82 C1 POP BC
- 5E83 3E C9 LD A,#C9
- 5E85 32 7E 5E LD (#5E7E),A
- 5E88 3E 00 LD A,#00
- 5E8A 32 7A 5E LD (#5E7A),A
- 5E8E E1 POP HL
- 5E8F C9 RET
- This code changes the previous decrypter slightly, and RETs to
- 5E77. Put a breakpoint at 5E8F and JP #5E7E.
- 5E77 7E LD A,(HL)
- 5E78 ED 67 RRD
- 5E7A 00 NOP
- 5E7B 23 INC HL
- 5E7C 10 F9 DJNZ,#5E77
- 5E7E C9 RET
- This code works with the same values as the previous one;
- HL=5E12 and B=3A. It then RETs to 5E12. Put a breakpoint at
- #5E7E, and JP #5E8F (where we left off last time).
- 5E12 21 B4 5F LD HL,#5FB4
- 5E15 11 B5 5F LD DE,#5FB5
- 5E18 01 B8 88 LD BC,#88B8
- 5E1D E1 POP HL
- 5E1E 54 LD D,H
- 5E1F 5D LD E,L
- 5E20 1C INC E
- 5E21 C1 POP BC
- 5E22 ED B0 LDIR
- These two LDIR commands wipe all the memory that isn't being
- used by the loading system. To get round this, you should change
- #5E1B, #5E1C, #5E22 and #5E23 to #00, to stop them being
- executed. Put a breakpoint at #5E24 and JP #5E7E (where we left
- off).
- 5E24 06 1E LD B,#1E
- 5E26 E1 POP HL
- 5E27 7E LD A,(HL)
- 5E28 EE A3 XOR #A3
- 5E2A 77 LD (HL),A
- 5E2B 23 INC HL
- 5E2C 10 F9 DJNZ,5E27
- The value in HL for this decrypter is #5E2E, which is right
- after the decrypter. To crack it, therefore, move the code from
- #5E24 to #5E2D somewhere safe (such as #5B00), put a breakpoint
- on the end, and run the code from there. When that's done, put a
- breakpoint at #5E2E and JP to #5E2E (so that you're back in the
- right place in the loading system).
- Carrying on with the loader....
- 5E2E E1 POP HL
- 5E2F 22 02 5E LD (#5E02),HL
- 5E32 E1 POP HL
- 5E33 22 05 5E LD (#5E05),HL
- 5E36 37 SCF
- 5E37 3E 07 LD A,#07
- 5E39 CD 00 5E CALL #5E00
- This code takes some values off the stack, and puts them into
- the subroutine at #5E00, which is then CALLed. Put a breakpoint
- at #5E39 and JP to #5E2E.
- 5E00 DD 21 40 9C LD IX,#9C40
- 5E04 11 90 1 LD DE,#190
- 5E07 14 INC D
- 5E08 08 EX AF,AF'
- 5E09 15 DEC D
- 5E0A 3E 0F LD A,#0F
- 5E0C DB FE OUT (#FE),A
- 5E0E CD 62 05 CALL #0562
- 5E11 C9 RET
- This routine is a headerless loader. The start is #9C40 and the
- length is #190. Also the value of A is 7, and the carry flag has
- been set. In effect, we could have used a standard CALL #0556
- headerless loader. Put a breakpoint at #5E3C and JP to #5E39.
- Start the tape and load in the first short headerless block. Then
- continue disassembling.
- 5E3C D2 01 00 JP NC,#0001
- This code resets the computer if there was a loading error from
- the first headerless block.
- 5E3F 21 40 9C LD HL,#9C40
- 5E42 06 FF LD B,#FF
- 5E44 CD 77 5E CALL #5E77
- 5E47 06 FF LD B,#FF
- 5E49 CD 77 5E CALL #5E77
- 5E4C F3 DI
- 5E4D C9 RET
- This code decrypts the headerless file we have just loaded in.
- The decrypter is CALLed to, and it's the same one we had before
- (with the RRD). So, in actual fact, we can forget about the BASIC
- loader; just load in the headerless file normally and run our own
- decrypter. For now, just put a breakpoint at #5E4D and JP to
- #5E3F. The RET is to #9C40
- 9C40 21 52 9C LD HL,#9C52
- 9C43 01 90 01 LD BC,#0190
- 9C46 16 A5 LD D,#A5
- 9C48 7E LD A,(HL)
- 9C49 AA XOR D
- 9C4A 77 LD (HL),A
- 9C4B 23 INC HL
- 9C4C 0B DEC BC
- 9C4D 78 LD A,B
- 9C4E B1 OR C
- 9C4F C2 48 9C JP NZ,9C48
- This is a decrypter, and you can crack it in one of two ways.
- Firstly, you can copy if to somewhere else, put a breakpoint on
- the end, and run it from there, or you can replace the JP NZ,9C48
- with JR NZ,9C48. Both do the same thing, but the JR NZ only uses
- two bytes. This means we can put a RET at #9C51 and CALL the
- decrypter. So change #9C4F to #20, #9C50 to #F7 and #9C51 to #C9,
- then put a CALL #9C40 and a breakpoint somewhere convenient (such
- as #5B00) and run the decrypter from there. When decrypted, the
- code continues at #9C52.
- 9C52 21 63 9C LD HL,#9C63
- 9C55 11 45 FE LD DE,#FE45
- 9C58 01 90 01 LD BC,#0190
- 9C5D 31 84 FD LD SP,#FD84
- 9C60 C3 45 FE JP #FE45
- This moves the code we've just decrypted to #FE45, sets the
- stack pointer to #FD84, and JPs to #FE45. Put a breakpoint at
- #9C60 and JP to #9C52.
- Now at #FE45, we come to the actual loading system itself.
- FE45 3E 84 LD A,#84
- FE47 11 00 18 LD DE,#1800
- FE4A DD 21 00 40 LD IX,#4000
- This code loads in a headerless file with start #4000 and length
- #1800 (which is the display file for the screen). Nothing too
- unusual about that.....
- FE51 11 00 04 LD DE,#0400
- FE54 DD 21 FF 5B LD IX,#5BFF
- ....except that as soon as it's done that,it loads in a block
- with start #5BFF and length #0400 straight away. This block is
- "sandwiched" right next to the other block on the tape. This
- particular block loads "backwards".
- FE5B 11 E1 01 LD DE,#01E1
- FE5E DD 21 1F FE LD IX,#FE1F
- And here's another block of the same kind, except it's loaded
- forwards this time. What's worse is that it's going to overwrite
- the code we're looking at now, so it must be a "modification" to
- the loading system (similar to the Mikro-Gen loader). To get
- round this, we would have to copy the code somewhere else, stick
- a breakpoint on the end, and run it from there. But remember that
- the loading system was copied from address #9C63, so there is, in
- actual fact, a copy of the code anyway. You want to put a
- breakpoint at #9C83 (the instruction after loading these three
- blocks), and JP to #9C63. Then start the tape and load in the
- next headerless block. The loading screen will appear, and the
- game will load for about four seconds, then control will return
- to the disassembler. Now look at the code at #FE65.
- FE65 11 1D 9F LD DE,#9F1D
- FE68 DD 21 1C FA LD IX,#FA1C
- This code loads the main game backwards. This will overwrite
- your disassembler, so you will have to put the NEW routine at
- #FE6F (but write down all the bytes you are replacing, because
- you'll need to restore all the original code later). Then you
- will have to go back and load the first block, because there
- isn't a header for the main game block. Change #FE4D to #01,
- #FE57 to #10 and #FE61 to #01 - this will make the computer try
- to load the three blocks into the ROM. Then rewind the tape back
- to the start of this headerless block, JP #FE45, and start the
- tape. Upond loading the whole block, the computer will reset.
- Load in your disassembler, and replace the code from the NEW
- routine to the values they should be. Now you can tackle the
- final part of the loading system.
- FE6F 11 E4 12 LD DE,#12E4
- FE76 C3 70 FF JP #FF70
- FF70 3E 00 LD A,0
- FF72 D3 FE OUT (#FE),A
- FF77 21 43 FE LD HL,#FE43
- FF7B CA 89 FF JP Z,#FF89
- FF7E 21 48 EE LD HL,#EE48
- FF84 11 49 EE LD DE,#EE49
- The routine at #FE1F adds up all the memory in the screen to get
- a value in the D register. This is then compared with the value
- of the byte at #FE43. If there is no match, all the memory is
- blanked out, so the value in the D register must be the same as
- the byte at #FE43. You should find that the byte is #E6. You need
- to know this for later on.
- FF89 21 A3 FF LD HL,#FFA3
- FF8C 01 45 00 LD BC,#0045
- FF8F 7A LD A,D
- FF90 AE XOR (HL)
- FF92 23 INC HL
- FF93 0B DEC BC
- FF94 78 LD A,B
- FF95 B1 OR C
- FF96 C2 8F FF JP NZ,#FF8F
- This is all we can disassemble for the moment, because the code
- from #FF89 to #FF98 decrypts the final part of the loader. Change
- the byte at #FF87 to #16, and the byte at #FF88 to #E6 (this is
- LD D,#E6, which is used in the decrypter), put a breakpoint at
- #FF99, and JP to #FF87. Then continue the disassembly.
- FF99 CD 31 FE CALL #FE31
- FF9C 21 44 FE LD HL,#FE44
- This code checks the main game, coming out with a result in the
- E register. However, this value is never used, so you can ignore
- this whole routine.
- Following on.....
- FFA3 21 C0 5D LD HL,#5DC0
- FFA6 01 30 75 LD BC,#7530
- FFAC 21 C0 5D LD HL,#5DC0
- FFAF 01 30 75 LD BC,#7530
- FFB5 21 1C FA LD HL,#FA1C
- FFB8 11 1C FF LD DE,#FF1C
- FFBB 01 1D 9F LD BC,#9F1D
- FFC0 21 10 A7 LD HL,#A710
- FFC3 22 36 5C LD (#5C36),HL
- FFC6 01 10 DF LD BC,#DF10
- FFCF ED 56 IM1
- FFD1 C3 6F 00 JP #006F
- 006F E9 JP (HL)
- This routine runs the game decrypters, moves the game into the
- right place, sets the stack and the interrupts, and puts the
- start address for the game in the HL register. Change the #006F
- at #FFD2 to somewhere where you can put a NEW routine (such as
- #5B00), because the disassembler will be overwritten. Then,
- change the value at #FFA1 to 16, and the value at #FFA2 to #E6
- (because one decrypter uses the value in the D register), and JP
- to #FFA2. When that's done, you can reload your disassembler, and
- hack the game using a forwards and backwards trace (but you won't
- be able to run the code because some of it's missing!)
- Now we'll write a complete hack for the game. You have to be a
- bit careful about where you put your hack in memory, because a
- lot of memory is overloaded. The first free address we can put
- the code at is #FA1D.
- FA1D DD 21 40 9C LD IX,#9C40
- FA21 11 90 01 LD DE,#0190
- FA24 3E 07 LD A,#07
- FA26 37 SCF
- FA27 CD 56 05 CALL #0556
- FA2A 30 F1 JR NC,#FA1D
- This loads in the first headerless block using the values set up
- in the BASIC loader.
- FA2C 06 FF LD B,#FF
- FA2E 21 40 9C LD HL,#9C40
- FA31 7E LD A,(HL)
- FA32 ED 67 RRD
- FA34 23 INC HL
- FA35 10 FA DJNZ #FA31
- FA37 06 FF LD B,#FF
- FA39 7E LD A,(HL)
- FA3A ED 67 RRD
- FA3C 23 INC HL
- FA3D 10 FA DJNZ, #FA39
- This decrypts the headerless block.
- FA3F 21 20 F7 LD HL,#F720
- FA42 22 4F 9C LD (#9C4F),HL
- FA45 3E C9 LD A,#C9
- FA46 32 51 9C LD (#9C51),A
- FA49 CD 40 9C CALL #9C40
- This changes the JP NZ at #9C4F to a JR NZ and a RET, then calls
- the decrypter.
- FA4C 3E C3 LD A,#C3
- FA4E 32 83 9C LD (#9C83),A
- FA51 21 5A FA LD HL,#FA5A
- FA54 22 84 9C LD (#9C84),HL
- FA57 C3 63 9C JP #9C63
- This puts a JP back to our hack at #9C83, and jumps to #9C63 to
- load the first part of the headerless block.
- FA5A 3E C9 LD A,#C9
- FA5C 32 6F FE LD (#FE6F),A
- FA5F CD 65 FE CALL #FE65
- This puts a RET after the code to load the rest of the game,
- then CALLs that loading procedure.
- FA62 21 E6 16 LD HL,#16E6
- FA65 22 87 FF LD (#FF87),HL
- FA68 3E C9 LD A,#C9
- FA6A 32 99 FF LD (#FF99),A
- FA6D CD 87 FF CALL #FF87
- This patches in the LD D,#E6, puts a RET at the end of the
- decrypter, and CALLs it.
- FA70 21 7E FA LD HL,#FA7E
- FA73 11 00 40 LD DE,#4000
- FA76 01 20 00 LD BC,#0020
- FA7B C3 00 40 JP #4000
- This code moves our hack into the screen memory (so it isn't
- affected by the LDIR which overwrites it in the next bit of
- code), and jumps to it there.
- FA7E 21 0B 40 LD HL,#400B
- FA81 22 D2 FF LD (#FFD2),HL
- FA84 16 E6 LD D,#E6
- FA86 C3 A3 FF JP #FFA3
- This code replaces the JP #006F with a JP back to our hack
- (which is in the screen memory by this time), and JPs to #FFA3.
- We have to include the LD D,#E6 again, because the value of DE
- was corrupted by the LDIR.
- FA8A 32 C6 CD LD (#CDC6),A
- FA8D E9 JP (HL)
- This sets the infinite lives POKE, and does a JP (HL) to start
- the game.
- Phew! I hope you managed to get all that, because it's really
- hard to do without a Multiface. If you can do it, then you've
- definitely got the hang of things, so keep it up!
- This loading system appears on every game ever written by Steve
- Marsden (who wrote the original loading system), as well as a few
- others. You can recognise them by their fancy front end, which
- consists of a countdown timer, accompnied by animated graphics
- and/or instructions, which appear as the game loads. The only
- game I've actually got at the moment that's got a Search Loader
- on it is Technician Ted, so I'm going to have to hack that.
- So, *Hack the BASIC loader, and let's see what it's got to
- offer....
- Chip Fact LINE 0 LEN 736
- The rest of the BASIC is a load of garbage which consists of the
- machine code for the game. It is stored in a similar way to that
- in the Mikro Gen loader. 24341 is 5F15 hex, so disassemble this
- address.
- 5F15 F3 DI
- 5F16 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- 5F19 11 01 40 LD DE,#4001
- 5F1C 01 FF 17 LD BC,#17FF
- 5F1F 36 00 LD (HL),0
- 5F21 ED B0 LDIR
- This code blanks out the screen.
- 5F23 CD 32 5E CALL #5E32
- The routine at #5E32 sets up the attributes for the screen ie:
- red banners at the top and bottom, black background with varying
- ink colours in the middle.
- 5F26 C3 38 5F JP #5F38
- 5F38 21 AB 5F LD HL,#5FAB
- 5F3B 01 59 A0 LD BC,#A059
- 5F3E 31 00 5C LD SP,#5C00
- 5F41 3A A8 5F LD A,(#5FA8)
- 5F44 57 LD D,A
- 5F45 1E 0B LD E,#0B
- 5F47 7A LD A,D
- 5F48 87 ADD A,A
- 5F49 87 ADD A,A
- 5F4A 87 ADD A,A
- 5F4B 87 ADD A,A
- 5F4C 82 ADD A,D
- 5F4D 83 ADD A,E
- 5F4E 57 LD D,A
- 5F4F 77 LD (HL),A
- 5F50 23 INC HL
- 5F51 0B DEC BC
- 5F52 78 LD A,B
- 5F53 B1 OR C
- 5F54 20 F1 JR NZ,#5F47
- This routine fills all of the memory above #5FAB with
- unexecutable code. It is, however, extremely important code, as
- we shall see later on.
- 5F56 CD 93 5F CALL #5F93
- This routine at #5F93 just messes around with the garbage a bit
- more.
- 5F59 CD 80 5D CALL #5D80
- The routine at #5D80 scrolls in the title messages for the game,
- accompnied by annoying clicks.
- 5F5C 3A 66 80 LD A,(#8066)
- 5F5F 6F LD L,A
- 5F60 3A E6 60 LD A,(#60E6)
- 5F63 67 LD H,A
- 5F64 E5 PUSH HL
- 5F65 3A 4F FC LD A,(#FC4F)
- 5F68 5F LE E,A
- 5F69 3A 0F 60 LD A,(#600F)
- 5F6C 57 LD D,A
- 5F6F 37 SCF
- 5F70 3E FF LD A,#FF
- 5F72 14 INC D
- 5F73 08 EX AF,AF'
- 5F74 15 DEC D
- 5F75 3A 66 63 LD A,(#6366)
- 5F78 6F LD L,A
- 5F79 3A E6 63 LD A,(#63E6)
- 5F7C 67 LD H,A
- 5F7E DB FE OUT (#FE),A
- 5F80 1F RRA
- 5F81 E6 20 AND #20
- 5F83 F6 01 OR #01
- 5F85 4F LD C,A
- 5F86 BF CP A
- 5F87 F5 PUSH AF
- 5F88 3A 87 65 LD A,(#6587)
- 5F8B 6F LD L,A
- 5F8C 3A 85 64 LD A,(#6485)
- 5F8F 67 LD H,A
- 5F90 F1 POP AF
- 5F91 E5 PUSH HL
- 5F92 C9 RET
- This code takes values out of the garbage and puts them in
- certain registers. It then imitates the start of the ROM loading
- routine, and puts some values on the stack. At #5F92, the values
- of the registers are: Hl= #056B, DE=#03C3, IX=#8000, and the
- values on the stack are first #056B, then #8000. So, this code
- will load a headerless file with start #8000 and length #0363,
- then will JP straight to #8000. We can do away with the BASIC
- loader altogether in the final hack by mimicing the headerless
- loader. This is done using the following program.
- 5B00 F3 DI
- 5B01 31 00 5C LD SP,#5C00
- 5B04 DD 21 00 80 LD IX,#8000
- 5B08 11 C3 03 LD DE,#03C3
- 5B0B 3E FF LD A,#FF
- 5B0D 37 SCF
- 5B0E 14 INC D
- 5B0F 08 EX AF,AF'
- 5B10 15 DEC D
- 5B11 AF XOR A
- 5B12 DB FE OUT (#FE),A
- 5B14 1F RRA
- 5B15 E6 20 AND #20
- 5B17 F6 01 OR #01
- 5B19 4F LD C,A
- 5B1A CD 6B 05 CALL #056B
- 5B1D <breakpoint>
- This routine is slightly different than the one in the loader
- for two reasons. Firstly, I've put values into the registers
- directly, rather than have their values taken from bytes in
- memory. Secondly, you aren't allowed by law to rip off someone
- else's code; if you directly copied a loading system into a hack,
- you could be sued. In fact, someone was, once! You're probably
- alright copying a five byte decrypter from Powerload across,
- because there really isn't any other code which can do the job in
- the same way. In general, I would say don't copy code into your
- hack unless you have to. If you do, change it if you can so it
- does the same job in a different way. Copying 40 bytes of code
- directly out of a loading system is definitely out, and most
- magazines wouldn't print the routine anyway.
- There are a few commands we haven't met in the routine. EX AF',
- AF' concerns the swapping of registers. In the Z80, in actual
- fact, there are two different sets of each register, although
- only one set can ever be used at once. Think of it like a TV set,
- although both registers (A and A' in this case) are there, you
- can only see one at a time. EX AF,AF' exchanges both the A
- register and the contents of the flags. Don't worry any more
- about swapping registers for now.
- RRA rotates all the bits in the A register to the right.
- Actually, it doesn't quite do this, but we don't need to know
- about it.
- If you're not using a Multiface, the garbage routine will have
- overwritten the disassembler, so reload it in anywhere below
- #8000. Then run the routine and restart the tape from where you
- left off. A small part of the headerless block will load in, and
- control will return to the disassembler. Have a look at address
- #8000.
- 8000 D2 00 00 JP NC,#0000
- This resets the computer if the previous headerless block didn't
- load properly.
- 8003 3E 08 LD A,#08
- 8005 D3 FE OUT (#FE),A
- This makes the border black, and sends a signal to the cassette
- recorder.
- 8007 D9 EXX
- EXX is a "general exchange" instruction, and changes the
- registers B,C,D,E,H and L for their alternate sets.
- 800E 0E 00 LD C,#00
- 800A D9 EXX
- 800B 26 00 LD H,#00
- 800D 06 80 LD B,#80
- 800F DD 21 1C 8C LD IX,#8C1C
- 8013 16 05 LD D,#05
- 8015 CD 41 83 CALL #8341
- 8018 D2 00 00 JP NC,#0000
- 801B 06 B1 LD B,#B1
- 801D 15 DEC D
- 801E 20 F5 JR NZ,#8015
- This code loads in five bytes of tape (the routine at #8341
- loads in information off tape into the address pointed to by the
- IX register), starting at #8C1C. Therefore, this tape routine
- will start loading code at #8C1C.
- 8020 11 D8 72 LD DE,#72D8
- 8023 D9 EXX
- 8024 0C INC C
- 8025 D9 EXX
- 8026 C3 7D 83 JP #837D
- 837D 2E 01 LD L,#01
- 837F CD 41 83 CALL #8341
- 8382 D2 00 00 JP NC,#0000
- 8385 3E CB LD A,#CB
- 8387 B8 CP B
- 8388 17 RLA
- 8389 D9 EXX
- 838A 47 LD B,A
- 838B E6 01 AND #01
- 838D 3D INC A
- 838F 11 6B 80 LD DE,#806B
- 8392 1A LD A,(DE)
- 8393 A7 AND A
- 8394 C4 77 82 CALL NZ,#8277
- This loads in a set number of bytes from tape, and then prints
- some sprites on screen (the routine at #8277). This produces all
- the men walking forwards and backwards while the game loads.
- 8397 CB 18 RRB
- 8399 D9 EXX
- 839A CB 15 RL L
- 839C 06 B1 LD B,#B1
- 839E 30 DF JR NC,#837F
- 83A0 7C LD A,H
- 83A1 AD XOR L
- 83A2 67 LD H,A
- 83A3 7A LD A,D
- 83A4 B3 OR E
- 83A5 20 CE JR NZ,#8375
- This updates the computer ready to do the next loading and
- animation sequence.
- 83A7 7C LD A,H
- 83A8 A7 AND A
- 83A9 C2 00 00 JP NZ,#0000
- 83AC 11 2F EC LD DE,#EC2F
- 83AF 06 EB LD B,#EB
- 83B1 CD 41 83 CALL #8431
- 83B4 D2 00 00 JP NC,#0000
- 83B7 3E EA LD A,#EA
- 83B9 B8 CO #0B
- 83BA D2 00 00 JP NC,#0000
- 83BD 42 LD B,D
- 83BE 15 DEC D
- 83BF 1D DEC E
- 83C0 C2 B1 83 JP NZ,#83B1
- This loads in some more bytes from tape. When these have
- finished, the computer will continue execution at address #83C3.
- The code beyond this address does nothing except fiddle about
- with registers, so there might as well be nothing there. The
- first bit of useful code will appear at #8C1C, but this hasn't
- been loaded yet. Instead, put a breakpoint at #83C3, move the
- headerless loading routine so the CALL #056B is at #7FFD, and run
- the code from there. Rewind the tape a bit and reload in all of
- the main headerless block. When finished, you'll find the
- following code at #8C1C.
- 8C1C 3E 5C LD A,#5C
- 8C1E 21 00 40 LD HL,#4000
- 8C21 54 LD D,H
- 8C22 5D LD E,L
- 8C23 EB EX DE,HL
- 8C24 4E LD C,(HL)
- 8C25 23 INC HL
- 8C26 46 LD B,(HL)
- 8C27 23 INC HL
- 8C28 EB EX DE,HL
- 8C29 09 ADD HL,BC
- 8C2A BA CP D
- 8C2B 20 F6 JR NZ,8C23
- 8C2D 11 92 5C LD DE,#5C92
- 8C30 EE 5C XOR 5C
- 8C32 28 EF JR Z,#8C23
- 8C34 E5 PUSH HL
- This routine adds up every single byte in memory to get a value
- in HL, which is pushed onto the stack. This value is important,
- because it is used in decrypting. This is what the garbage was
- all used for - to get the right value. It's impossible to
- calculate it yourself, because any programs you right will mean
- you get the wrong answer. The only way I can think of to get this
- value is to load the game as normal, and stop the game with a
- Multiface as soon as the timer hits 000. Then put a breakpoint at
- #8C35 and return. Wait a few seconds, then reactivate the
- Multiface and have a look at the stack. The first value will be
- #8C35, the second will be the value of HL you want. You should
- find it's #4DBD.
- Carrying on the disassembly....
- 8C35 21 00 58 LD HL,#5800
- 8C38 11 01 58 LD DE,#5801
- 8C3B 01 FF 02 LD BC,#02FF
- 8C3E 36 00 LD (HL),#00
- 8C40 ED B0 LDIR
- 8C42 E1 POP HL
- This clears the screen and restores the value of HL, which is
- used for the following decrypter.
- 8C43 11 60 8C LD DE,#8C60
- 8C46 0E 29 LD C,#29
- 8C48 7C LD A,H
- 8C49 65 LD H,L
- 8C4A 47 LD B,A
- 8C4B 09 ADD HL,BC
- 8C4C 1A LD A,(DE)
- 8C4E 12 LD (DE),A
- 8C4F 6F LD L,A
- 8C50 13 INC DE
- 8C51 1A LD A,(DE)
- 8C52 AC XOR H
- 8C53 12 LD (DE),A
- 8C54 13 INC DE
- 8C55 CB 7A BIT 7,D
- 8C57 20 F0 JR NZ,#8C49
- 8C59 FB EI
- 8C5A 67 LD H,A
- 8C5B 11 70 71 LD DE,#7170
- 8C5E 19 ADD HL,DE
- 8C5F E9 JP (HL)
- First of all, POKE #8C40, #8C41 and #8C42 with #21, #BD and #4D
- respectively (so you get the right value of HL), put a breakpoint
- at #8C5B (nearest place possible to the JP (HL) that we can place
- a breakpoint), and JP #8C40. On return, the value of HL is #38F5.
- Add this to #7170 (which is what happens in the next two
- commands) to get #AA65. This is the start address of the game. So
- put a JP to your POKEing routine (anywhere from #5B00 to #5BA0 is
- fine) at #8C5B, and finish your POKEs with a JP #AA65.
- You will have to do a stack trace to find infinite lives in the
- actual game itself. There is a complete hack for this game by
- myself in YS #78, so why not disassemble it and have a look. It's
- slightly different to what we've done in that it intercepts the
- RET at the end of the loading system rather than mimic the first
- headerless loader, and puts a JP back to the hack at #83C3, but
- apart from that, it's more or less everything we'e discussed
- above put together.
- This has been used on a few Ocean games, but is in fact a
- standard headerless loader in disguise. The value of A to use is
- always #98. Load in the BASIC loader and the first block of code,
- then stop it with a Multiface, and use a stack trace to find out
- the values of IX and DE for each block, and the JP to the game.
- Concluding the look at protection systems, I think it's only
- fitting that we end in quite possible the most famous protection
- system of all time.
- Speedlock was first written by two guys called David Looker and
- David Aubery Jones around late 1983, although it wasn't
- commercially used until October 1984, on Daley Thompson's
- Decathlon, by which time it had reached it's third version. Since
- then, it has been used by many major sofware companies,
- especially Ocean. Its also gone many modifications, and can be
- split into three distinct generations.
- I should state at this point that you need to have a Multiface
- to crack most of these Speedlocks, because they completely
- disrupt the operating system which will lock up any disassembler
- which relies on ROM routines. The Multiface relies on its own
- ROM, which isn't affected by the Speedlock code.
- Type 1 - have one or two BASIC loaders, and load the main code
- with the infamous "clicking" leader tones (you know, instead of a
- steady "bleep", they go "blip, blip, blip, blip" a few times).
- Type 2 - have one short BASIC loader, a long CODE block, lots of
- annoying beeps, then a similar loader to Type 1, minus the
- clicking leader tones, plus a countdown timer.
- Type 3 - as for Type 2, except there is just one very long BASIC
- loader. The protection system crashes if a Multiface is left
- switched on. Mazemania on YS #77 covertape used a Type 3.
- So, let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to
- start) with Type 1. In fact, there are about four different
- difficulty levels of Type 1 Speedlocks; the difficulty goes in
- chronological order (as you might expect).
- The very first Type Ones were completely different to later
- ones, having the same initialisation routine, but a completely
- standard decrypter. The only differences between this Speedlock
- and an ordinary decrypting loader were its initialisation routine
- and its use of the IY register.
- We came across index registers when we first met headerless
- loaders. There are, in fact, two index registers, IX and IY. In
- BASIC, the IX register is free for use in a machine code program
- run from a USR command, but the IY register must always contain
- the value #5C3A, which is the base address of the BASIC system
- variables which are wiped with a NEW command. If you return to
- BASIC with the value of IY anything other than #5C3A, the
- computer will crash, even if you use the "exit to BASIC" feature
- on a Multiface. The value of IY must also be #5C3A whenever a
- BASIC interrupt occurs. Both Devpac and 007 Disassembler run
- under the BASIC interrupts. They also use built in ROM routines,
- such as those to check the keyboard and print text; this is
- preferable, otherwise they'd have to waste memory rewriting their
- own versions of the routines. Hence the value of IY must always
- equal #5C3A.
- The only safe way of using the IY register is to disable
- interrupts and write the whole program in RAM without using any
- built in ROM routines. And Speedlock fits this bill exactly, so
- it uses the IY register for most of its decrypter calculations.
- Speedlock code also uses a lot of undocumented instructions. In
- theory, you cannot split the sixteen bit IY register into two
- eight bit registers. But the processor doesn't understand this,
- and you can split the IY register into two if you want. You
- simply put the code #FD on the front of any instructions using H
- or L. There are no standard names for the two halves of the IY
- register, but I will refer to them as IYH (Hi part of IY) and IYL
- (Lo part of IY).
- Now let's hack a Speedlock game. To start with, I'm hacking
- Knight Lore, but the following games are also suitable: Beach
- Head, Daley Thompson's Decathlon, Gilligan's Gold and
- Underwurlde. Anything released after these will be explained
- later.
- So first *Hack the BASIC loader.
- 0 BEEP 0.1,1:BEEP 0.1,2:BEEP 0.1,3:BEEP 0.1,4:BEEP 0.1,5:PAPER
- 0 POKE (PEEK 23641+256*PEEK 23642),PEEK 23649:POKE (PEEK 23641+
- 256*PEEK 23642)+1,PEEK 23650
- 0 POKE (PEEK 23613+256*PEEK 23614),PEEK 23627:POKE (PEEK 23613+
- 256*PEEK 23614)+1,PEEK 23628
- 0 POKE 23662,PEEK 23618:POKE 23663,PEEK 23619:POKE 23664,PEEK
- 23621
- 23676 "REM CLOSE #ATTR....
- Wait a minute, there's absolutely no sign of a RANDOMIZE USR
- command anywhere! There's just some BASIC which beeps a bit, sets
- the colours, and prints a message, a whole load of POKEs, and
- then a load of garbage. Surely the computer will do everything,
- then report with an error message as soon as it reaches 23676?
- Well, that's not actually the case. Look at the third line 0
- (the one which starts POKE [PEEK 23613+256* etc.). This system
- variable is known as ERR SP. What happens is that when an error
- occurs (and it will do here), the computer jumps to the value in
- this register. This value is PEEK 23627+256*PEEK 23628. PRINT
- this value, and there's the start of the machine code. You might
- get a different result to me, but I made the start address #60A8.
- Disassemble this address.
- 60A8 F3 DI
- 60A9 FD 25 DEC IYH
- The DI is very important, because otherwise the I register can't
- be used. Given that IY starts off as being #5C3A, the value in A
- will end up being #5B XORed with #3A, which is #61.
- 60AF FD 26 F3 LD IYH,#F3
- 60B2 FD 2E A6 LD IYL,#A6
- 60B5 3B DEC SP
- 60B6 3B DEC SP
- 60B7 01 54 FE LD BC,#FE54
- 60BA FD E3 EX (SP),IY
- First of all, this loads IY with the value #F3A6. It then
- decreases the stack pointer by two. By doing this, the stack
- pointer is now pointing to the start address of the machine code,
- which is #60A8. EX (SP),IY is a variation to the register
- exchange commands we've already come across. It basically swaps
- the value in the address pointed by the stack pointer with the
- value in the IY register. So, after this instruction, IY will
- contain #60A8, and the value on the top of the stack will be
- #F3A6.
- 60BC 21 30 F2 LD HL,#F230
- 60BF FD 09 ADD IY,BC
- 60C1 01 AC 01 LD BC,#01AC
- 60C4 FD 5D LD E,IYL
- 60C6 FD 54 LD D,IYH
- 60C8 EB EX DE,HL
- Here, HL is being loaded with #F230. The value in BC (#FE54) is
- added to the value in IY (#60A8), making the value in IY #5EFC.
- Then BC is loaded with #01AC, and the value in IY is transferred
- into DE. Then the values of DE and HL are swapped. So, by the end
- of the code we've looked at so far, HL will equal #5EFC, DE will
- equal #F230, BC will equal #01AC, and A will equal #61. These
- values are all used in the decrypter which follows.
- 60C9 AE XOR (HL)
- 60CA 12 LD (DE),A
- 60CB 7E LD (HL),A
- 60CC 23 INC HL
- 60CD 13 INC DE
- 60CE 0B DEC BC
- 60D1 78 LD A,B
- 60D2 B1 OR C
- 60D3 FD 7D LD A,IYL
- 60D5 20 F2 JR NZ,#60C9
- 60D7 C9 RET
- This is a straightforward decrypter, except the value for A
- (which is needed throughout the decrypter) is temporarily stored
- in part of the IY register. The RET is to #F3A6 (the top value on
- the stack).
- To crack this, we can set up the register values manually, CALL
- the decrypter, and then hack the main loader ourselves. Type out
- this program:
- 5B00 F3 DI
- 5B01 21 FC 5E LD HL,#5EFC
- 5B04 11 30 F2 LD DE,#F230
- 5B07 01 AC 01 LD BC,#01AC
- 5B0A 3E 61 LD A,#61
- 5B0C CD C9 60 CALL #60C9
- 5B0F FD 21 3A 5C LD IY,#5C3A
- 5B13 <breakpoint>
- Notice that we've disabled interrupts to avoid crashing, and we
- need to restore the value of IY to #5C3A afterwards, so your
- disassembler won't crash. RUN the program, and have a look at the
- code at #F3A6. You'll find it's just a straightforward headerless
- loader with absoultely no frills, and you should be able to hack
- it no problem.
- As for the final hack, load the BASIC into address #5CCB, run
- the decryption routine above, patch the JP in the main
- turboloader to your POKEs, and start running.
- All other Speedlock Type 1s have the same sort of decrypter. The
- code for the decrypter is very complicated, with the result that
- I have been unable to reproduce it here. Luckily, you don't have
- to touch the code; you can write your own decrypter as long as
- you have a Multiface.
- I'll be doing Tapper as an example, but any other Speedlock
- follows this procedure almost exactly. *Hack your game and note
- down the length of the code (you'll need it later). I made it
- 1453, which is #05AD hex. Now look at address #5EFD. The byte at
- #5EFD is always decrypted to give the byte #42, and the byte at
- #5EFD is always decrypted to give the byte #55. The decrypter
- works by XORing the encrypted byte with a number taken from the R
- register. By inspecting the code before and after running, you'll
- see the XORing number starts off as #CB, and increases by #0A
- each time. If the result is more than #FF, the result has #80
- subtracted from it. We can incorporate this into our decrypter.
- The start of the code is #5EFD, and the length is (PEEK 23627+
- 256*PEEK 23628)-#5EFD, which is #01ED in the case of Tapper.
- The following code will simulate the decrypter.
- LD HL,<start>
- LD BC,<length>
- LD D,<initial decrypter value>
- *** LD A,(HL)
- LD (HL),A
- LD A,D
- ADD #0A
- SET 7,A
- LD D,A
- JR NZ, ***
- Once you've done that decrypter, you've got to do the whole lot
- again, starting at #5EFD. The byte there will be decrypted to
- either #3E or #ED - you'll have to guess which decrypting value
- to use. For Tapper, the start is #5F2B, the length is #1BF, and
- the second decrypter value is #AB.
- When you've done that, you'll either get the complete loading
- system or another decrypter. If you've got the loading system,
- then reload the BASIC loader, and do a stack trace to find out
- where it should go. You should have no problems with the loader.
- If you've got another decrpyter, go along five bytes and find a
- LD DE,(XXXX). Add #2E to this value, and that's where you move it
- to. The length is the same as that for the second decrypter. The
- decrypter itself can be cracked by changing a JP Z in the code
- about forty bytes later (the value of this is the start of the
- turboloader), but the decrypter itself uses a byte which is
- worked out by adding all the memory together in the loading
- system. Since we've got an exact copy of this system elsewhere in
- memory, just change the value of XXXX in the aforementioned LD
- DE,(XXXX), and then JP to the start of the decrypter.
- If the first decrypting value you used was #CB, then you can
- just change the JP in the turboloader to your POKEs.
- If the value was #CD, then you'll need to know about the
- Standard Speedlock patch. Somewhere in the loading system there
- will be the two bytes ED 53 [LD DE,(XXXX)]. Change the XXXX to
- the address of your POKEs (#5BA0 is normally safe), and end your
- POKEs with a JP to the value you overwrote. You'll have to use
- this patch for the later Speedlocks as well.
- There was a Speedlock Type 1 MultiPOKE in YS#79. RUN the
- program, press BREAK and disassemble address #5B00 to find out
- what to do in your own hacks.
- Type 2 Speedlocks feature a very easy BASIC loader, and one big
- block of code, which has six short decrypters and a complex
- moving routine. The decrypters are all easy peasy, just move them
- to somewhere else in memory (such as #5B00), bung a RET on the
- end, and CALL the decrypter from there (but watch out for the
- third decrypter, which checks for a Multiface and crashes if it
- finds it. The moving routine fiddles about with the loader.
- Search for 31, which means LD SP,XXXX. Hopefully, you'll find a
- LD SP,#0000, with perhaps a DI right before it. Write down the
- address and run the moving routine (you may have to restart the
- tape, because some of the moving routines insist on a signal
- coming into the tape recorder). Use a stack trace to find out
- where the code has gone to. Now you can move all the code from
- the moving routine to the end of the machine code block to where
- it should be, given that you know where the LD SP,#0000 goes to.
- Once moved, patch the loader in the same way as the first
- Speedlock.
- Type 3s have just one long BASIC loader, with about 144
- decrypters, but that's nothing to worry about. *Hack the BASIC
- loader, and have a look at the first bit of code which moves the
- rest of the code into the right place (you can then use a
- headerless loader to load this into the right place in memory).
- The tricky bit is changing a byte in memory so a CALL to the
- loading system at the very top of the code is changed to a CALL
- somewhere else once all the decrypters have been run. The only
- way you can do this is to change the address of the hi byte of
- this CALL to something else, and RUN the huge load of the
- decrypters. The computer will crash if you have a Multiface
- attached, but only after everything's been decrypted, so then
- look and see what the CALL's been changed to. If it's suitable,
- remember the patch, position your hack around this, change the
- CALL to what it should be,and put in the usual Speedlock patch.
- Look at the start address in the turboloader. This address will
- be overwritten by a decrypter once loading finishes. This
- decrypter is nothing special, so just crack it as usual, and
- watch out for the game moving around.
- Jon North's Pokerama Tapes usually have a Speedlock Type 3 crack
- on it - load up the Pokerama, choose your POKE, then do a stack
- trace to find it and have a look at it.
- Part 7 - Epilogue
- Well folks, I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but I've
- just about told everything you should ever need to know to crack
- every protection system under the sun. So I'll just say some
- final words and credits, and then sign off, okay?
- The idea of this book, its production and its writing were done
- entirely by Richard Swann, from February to June 1992.
- Some suggestions and tips came from two people to whom this book
- is dedicated, Matt Corby from "down-the-road", and Niall "Mr
- Incredibly Technical" Daley. Thanks, guys!
- Thanks to YS for putting disassemblers and the like on recent
- covertapes; it saved me the trouble of writing one!
- Thanks to Jon North for some of the info on hacking he gave to
- me on disk recently - much appreciated, mate.
- Thanks for YOU for buying this. There aren't many Speccy hackers
- around right now, so we need to make the numbers up. Good luck!
- What's that? "I don't understand this bit at all!" I hear you
- say. Well, send me any queries that you may have about this book,
- stating exactly what the problem is, along with an SAE (very
- important that), and I'll do my best to reply to them. DON'T
- write to me asking me to hack a whole list of games for you - I
- just haven't got the time. However, I've got a big book of
- Multiface POKEs which you can obtain for £1.50 and an A4 SAE if
- you want it, so that might come in handy.
- Thought for the year: Seven years ago, Spectrum and Commodore
- owners were at each other's throats. Spectrum owners would vow
- never to have anything to do with Commodore. Then why do I hear
- of so many Spectrum owners that have upgraded to a Commodore
- Amiga? Personally, I can't stand the Amiga's operating system -
- it's terrible!
- Well, that seems to be about it, so I'll just leave you know in
- the hands of a glossary of terms. Happy hacking!
- RICHARD SWANN - June 1992
- Breakpoint - an instruction put in by a disassembler which will
- return control to it when it is executed. Also something to do
- with tennis.
- Crack/cracking - writing a routine or executing some code which
- will get round some element of a protection system, enabling the
- user to put a POKE into the game.
- Crash - an undesired effect which the programmer or user did not
- intend to happen. Classic example is the computer resetting
- itself to give the old "(C) 1982 Sinclair etc.etc.", or a whole
- load of flashing squares. Also a now defunct computer magazine.
- Decrypter - a short program contained in a protection system
- which, when run will change garbage into runnable code. You need
- to crack a decrypter to write a hack for it.
- Endless loop - the Multiface equivalent of a breakpoint, put in
- hacking a protection system or doing a stack trace. The computer
- will keep executing the same code over and over again,
- indefinitely, unless the Multiface button is pressed. See also
- endless loop (ho ho ho!)
- Garbage - A block of machine code which does not make sense to a
- human. The computer will attempt to process it, but will almost
- certainly crash. Also what the dustmen collect in America.
- Hack - a self-standing program which when run will load a game
- and activate certain cheats. Also the act of getting round a
- protection system. (See also crack). Also a lot of anonymous
- people from Scotland.
- Headerless loader - a loader which does not contain the first
- "header part" of a file specifying it's name, length etc, but
- has it ready built into memory. This makes the program harder to
- hack.
- Interrupt - small program which occurs every 150 of a second,
- regardless of what the computer is doing.
- Loader - any program which reads a file off tape into memory, and
- executes it. This may consist of simple BASIC commands, a
- headerless loader, a turboloader or even a protection system.
- Operating system - this the built in program into the computer to
- deal with all the basic things like reading the keyboard and
- loading software. This is BASIC in the case of the Spectrum. Most
- protection systems deliberately confuse the operating system or
- lock you out of it.
- Patch - replacing a bit of code whith something designed to hack
- it. This patch may consist of a jump elsewhere in memory, or a
- breakpoint. Also something that pirates wear on one eye.
- POKE - the process in which a single byte of memory is changed.
- Originally, games were hacked by one or two POKEs.
- Protection system - A block of code which tags on the front of a
- game's loader and prevents anyone from accessing the code it is
- protecting. At least, that's what it's supposed to do!
- Trace - looking through a block of code with the aim of finding
- something specific (such as an infinite lives POKE). This may be
- forwards, backwards, interrupt or stack trace.
- Turboloader - a loader which loads in a file off tape at a faster
- speed than usual. This speeds up loading. The turboloader may be
- hidden by a protection system.
- [C] 1992 NSA Publications. No part of this book may be copied,
- otherwise I'll send the Mafia round. Okay?